Chapter Thirty-Three: Welcome To The Family

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"Will you marry me?"

A faint sob escaped Kate's lips before she accepted his proposal and offered him her hand to slip the ring onto her ring finger. She admired it for a few seconds before she threw her arms around (Y/n)'s neck and buried her face in the crook of his neck. The young woman whispered into the ear of her boyfriend-turned-fiancé, sharing how thrilled she was that he proposed to her.

Their families applauded them, all of whom stood up from where they sat and smiled proudly at them as they maintained the hug for a few more seconds until they looked over at their parents and siblings with pride and joy written across their faces before they were surrounded and engulfed in praise from their parents.

It was the shared idea of John's and Victor's that their families go out to the park for some fresh air and to get physically active. Victor hired his son to assist he and John in transporting what sporting equipment the Marsh's had into the boot of their cars while the women made their way to their family cars. Only this time - out of all the other family occasions - Kate chose to ride with her fiancé instead of being crowded by her sisters in the back of her mother's car.

John and Linda respected their eldest daughter's decision and watched on proudly as (Y/n) acted gentleman-like by opening the door for his significant other before he let himself in and they drove off first to the large park just a few blocks away. Once everybody was at the park, they set up a little picnic just underneath a tall tree where many sweets were laid out and essentials were set out to prepare sandwiches. 

It wasn't long after everybody set up that (Y/n) got a bit nosey and inspected the bowl of chocolates and other diabetic confections. It didn't take long for Kate to notice either as the young woman strolled up to where (Y/n) was, knelt down and so invested in identifying each sweet he was unfamiliar with until the lingering presence of his fiancé startled him. 

"GREAT SCOTT!!" (Y/n) exclaimed as he clutched his chest over his heart. "Christ almighty! You scared the living daylights out of me. Baby, sweetie, my one, true love please, don't sneak up on anybody like that again." 

Kate bit the corner of her bottom lip and apologised for frightening her significant other. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. You're not mad at me, are you?" 

Hearing this made (Y/n)'s heart break a little at how insecure she was. She pouted and sat down with him but on her side so she was side-saddled on the wide blanket. (Y/n) was still knelt down but this time on one knee just like he did when he asked for her hand in marriage. His hand stretched out as his hand reached underneath her chin and pulled it up delicately where he made her establish eye contact with him. 

Seeing him smiling at her so made Kate less insecure as the frown quickly turned upside-down into a smile. It pleased (Y/n) immensely to see the girl he loved so dearly smile - it became more and more common for her to smile naturally prior to their graduating from Blackwell Academy; and pre-high school, Kate was just a normal girl until her life went pear-shaped - so (Y/n) still needed time adjusting to the fact that Kate was beginning to feel like her old self again. 

"No... How could I ever be mad at you, you sweet cinnamon roll?" (Y/n) purred. 

Kate rolled her eyes at him and brought them back to the reason behind her being in his company. "Oh, umm... I-I-I was just looking for something tasty to eat. I dunno. I'm just hungry." 

"You can't have too many of these, (Y/n/n). If you do, you'll become a diabetic. And if you become diabetic, you'll need to take medication twice a day for the rest of your life. I don't want that to happen to you, so please, just be careful with what you eat." Kate begged. 

It was (Y/n)'s turn to roll his eyes at her. "Okay, mum." 

Playfully, she smacked his cheek but not with the intent to actually hurt him, rather to jokingly show that she didn't mind his shenanigans. She too snooped around the sweets as she was quick to pick out a piece of candy that she liked. (Y/n) noticed this and watched closely as Kate tore open the wrapper and slipped the very small bit of chocolate into her mouth. 

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