Chapter Twelve: Fly High Butterfly

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"... breaking news this evening, it appears a giant tornado has hit Arcadia Bay. The weather bureau is heeding everyone to seek shelter underground and to not go outside. Reports of strong winds have been reported to be tearing apart homes and toppling powerlines. In addition to this, trees have been struck  creating roadblocks in and out of the Bay..." 

Inside the hospital where Kate Marsh had been kept, she was plunged in fear when she tuned in to watch the news segment about a storm that hit her home town. Kate became filled with dread the fates of her family, friends, and more importantly, (Y/n). Never before had Kate felt so sick. What pained her more was that she could not contact her boyfriend no matter how many times she tried as all she could hear was static. 

The dirty-haired blonde held onto her rabbit Alice, in her lap in hopes of soothing her ailment. None of the hospital staff could spare the time to comfort Kate due to their preparing for treating the wounded once the storm passed from Arcadia Bay. Persistently, Kate tried to ring (Y/n)'s phone, hoping and praying that she could find closure in the midst of the chaos ensuing. Then, her calls were answered. 

"--ello? Hello? Kate, are you there?!" (Y/n) yelled with difficulty of static interference making it more difficult for Kate to hear him. 

"(Y/n)! I-I heard about the storm. Are you alright? Where are you? Are you safe?" 

"I Can't hear you too well! I don't know if you can hear me, but I wanna say I love yo--"  

Kate covered her mouth to suppress her sobs but her pain was so great that it couldn't stop her from crying tremendously - she hadn't cried this much since she almost attempted suicide.

"I just want you to know that you are the best thing that's happened to me. I just wish we had more time... If I had only known the world was going to end. I don't think I'm going to make it out of this alive, Kate. I just want you to promise me one last thing... live for me. Start a new life; meet somebody new and learn to love them as I have with you. Find meaning in your life Kate because you matter always. I know that someday we'll meet again. I love you, Kate Marsh."

Then, silence... 

When the line went dead on (Y/n)'s end, Kate completely broke down. She clutched her pet rabbit for dear life but not so much to squeeze it to death as she grieved, yet not alone. Kate hadn't paid attention to the door to her room clicking open. To Kate's surprise, she was visited by her family who had only just sought shelter at the brick-laced hospital just after the storm hit.

The family of five grouped around Kate's chair where she sat, clutching onto her rabbit. Seeing Kate so broken hurt them also for a reason they were not yet familiar with. Having her family around her couldn't adequately full the hole in her heart knowing that (Y/n) could very well now be dead. Her father, Kate clung onto in her time of need as she kept calling (Y/n)'s name over and over. It hurt her so much that all she could hear from (Y/n) was his final moment. 

"He's gone... he's gone," wailed Kate. "My (Y/n/n) is dead! Why?! Why me?! What did I do to deserve this?! I want (Y/n) back..." 

"We're sorry for everything, Kate. We love you so, so very much," apologised Kate's mother.

"Just let it all out, honey. We're here for you know." Kate's father whispered soothingly as she cried into his shoulder.

The dirty-haired blonde woman trembled in her father's arms as one hand held her golden necklace while the other held onto her bunny. Despite all the support she was being given by her parents and younger siblings, it still would never be enough to replace the mark (Y/n) let on her. All the family could do now was sit and wait for the storm to pass before returning to salvage what they could with the intention of moving out of Arcadia Bay.

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