Chapter Thirty-Four: One Last Time

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Max Caulfield was no ordinary girl. 

She was unique; gifted with an extraordinary ability to reverse time. Whenever something went wrong, Max was there to resolve it. In a way, she was a guardian angel but a disparate one. She hadn't been the same after nearly restoring reality back to way it was as at the expense of her powers, it took a much bigger toll than one could presume. Everything had a cost, and using her powers just unlocked something so dastardly that Max feared its very being. 

When Max swore to never use her powers again, she had to break that oath. A few minutes after witnessing an accident occur right before her very eyes, Max Caulfield knew that she couldn't bear to allow anybody to suffer another loss. She had lost her best friend, her lover, who had also lost her father and her own previous lover. Seeing Kate so vulnerable and weak shattered Max's heart.

By stretching her arm out, Max closed her eyes to gain focus when all sound went completely dead. There was a faint whooshing sound and a light howl of the wind as Max waited for nearly three minutes until she ceased the time rewind. Max was out of breath in an instant but quick to compose herself when she opened her eyes to observe the scene around her. 

Kate, (Y/n) and Lynn were around Max, all of whom were oblivious to her spacing out until they noticed blood running out of the nostril of the girl with brown and blue hair. Alerted by this, (Y/n) retrieved a napkin for his friend and watched as Max gratefully took it and wiped her nose before blowing it to dispose of any evidence of a nosebleed.

"Thanks, (Y/n)." Max said appreciatively.

"Are you okay, Max? We didn't expect to see you here," said Kate.

"Oh, I'll be alright. I was just passing by when I spotted (Y/n) and Lynn playing basketball." Max responded dismissively.

Lynn smiled brightly and waved at the older girl. "Hi! It's so nice to finally meet you. I heard so much a bout you from my sister. She says that you were a big help in getting her and (Y/n) together and that she's very grateful."

"Lynn!" Kate muttered coyly as a blush crept up on her face.

"What? It's true! Remember, you said you never had the courage to talk to (Y/n) after a while because you thought he was just--"

"Well, she's not wrong," said Max. "It was actually mine and Warren's idea to get these two together. All it took was a little peanut butter and jelly."

Kate rolled her eyes even though she knew she was right.

"Would you like to join us for some morning tea, Max? We'd love to have you." Kate offered.

"You know what, Kate? I'd love to. After all, we still need to have our little tea dates again."

Kate giggled. It warmed Max's heart to see Kate smile again. After Blackwell, she always hoped she would see her smile again. It came at a cost that would possibly provide much heavier angst should the thing Max did escape tenfold over one little rewind. The parents of both families welcomed Max openly where they got the opportunity to meet Kate's best friend.

Everyone chattered endlessly while Max sat by and waited anxiously for (Y/n) to get up and join Lynn in playing basketball. Impatience gnawed at Max as she hoped to act out in time to prevent a repeat of the incident she intended to correct. However, her attention kept getting drawn back to Linda and Victoria discussing the girls' choice of style and fashion.

"Max, what made you choose to dye your hair like that?" Linda asked curiously.

The brown-blue-haired girl tensed as her lips drooped. It became visibly clear that it was a sad topic but something he was barely fine with talking about. 

Angel Of A MorningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora