Chapter Three: Sorrow's Cross

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An hour well through (Y/n)'s studying brought him a slight stiffness in his spine. Kate also felt stiff and tired from staring down at their books the whole time. He and Kate were quick to non-verbally agree to take a break from their homework, all the while Esteban laid on his bed in slumber from relaxation.

"Thanks for the help, Kate. I really appreciate it," said (Y/n), appreciatively.

"It's no problem. I'm gonna go now. I need to brush my teeth and go to bed." Kate replied with another weak smile.

"Hey, Kate?"


(Y/n) pursed his lips as the corners tugged downwards into a frown. "N-Nevermind. I'll see you tomorrow... second period?"

"Bye, (Y/n). Bye, Esteban."

Esteban shot his arm up and waved at Kate as she walked out the door. Fortunately, nobody saw her leave the room as she was well aware should anybody catch her she would be in serious trouble. 

"Dude, you so blew your chance." Esteban droned. 

(Y/n) sighed and bowed his head. "I know. I hope I can ask her later." 

"Well, go and find out." 

While there was still sunlight, (Y/n) decided to call it a night and brush his teeth early so that he could function properly in tomorrow's lessons. He collected his toothbrush and toothpaste and headed to the boy's bathroom. (Y/n) only just noticed a familiar face approaching him, where he and Kate crossed paths. He noticed that her eyes were puffy red as if she'd just started crying, which was something that she did not want anyone to see. 

"Oh hey, Kate." (Y/n) called, stopping the dirty-haired blonde in her path. "Are you alright? What's the matter? Why have you been crying?" 

"Don't bother worrying about me. Nobody cares anyway." Kate sobbed.

"That's not true."

"You don't know me. Don't act like you know me or what I'm going through right now."

"Then tell me. Don't shut yourself out to people who want to help you."

"Or ridicule me and call me names like 'slut' and 'whore'." Kate snapped.

"I'm not saying any of that. Kate, please. Let me help you."

"I don't trust you. I can't trust anybody - except Max. She's one of the few people who actually care about me."

"Then let me prove it." He pressed.

Kate looked at him in bewilderment while hiding said feeling underneath a cold, barren glare.

"How?" Kate asked sceptically.

"I'll stand up for you. If anybody messes with you, then I will show them I have your back. I'll show the whole school, even." (Y/n) said erratically yet with confidence.

Without their realising it, two pairs of eyes fell on them as two girls approached them, two of whom were infamous for harassing Kate over her alleged porn video that simply included Kate making out with multiple boys. Sinisterly, the two girls; Victoria and one of her minions approached them and immediately greeted Kate with unkindness.

"Trying to manipulate another poor, innocent soul to slobber your lips over, Marsh? I can't believe you. Not even a week after your controversial video and you're already at it again. And you call yourself a devoted Christian. You disgust me, Marsh. What would your parents think of you when they find out what kind of a sinner you've been?" Victoria scolded harshly.

"Hey, leave her alone." (Y/n) interrupted with strength in his tone.

Victoria looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Don't bother defending her, (Y/n). I wouldn't waste my time with a man-moocher like her."

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