C: Pierce is MY priority

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A/n: Since everyone wanted the Ein and Noi fight, here we are! I'm SOOO sorry that I've been gone! It's just been caught up and other stuff and I feel terrible for making y'all wait! But as promised, here we are, the Ein and Noi fight! Hope you enjoy!

💜 Aphmau's POV 💜

As soon as 3 minutes went by, Ein and Noi started fighting. "Your the reason this started!", Noi exclaimed, "if you had just stayed with Mac, then none of this would've happened!" "Oh really?" Ein scoffed, "Your the useless one out of the entire group! Your only here because you're friends with Pierce, your not special at all!" Ein shot back making Noi glare. "Oh, well excuse me Mr.I love gold, the most USELESS ORE IN MINECRAFT!!!" Noi yelled. "Gold isn't useless! Y'ALL JUST HAVE SOME BAD TASTE!!!" Ein yelled back. Then everyone did start to agree that Gold was really the worst ore in Minecraft. "Ugh, can y'all shut up for like 10 minutes?! You guys ALWAYS have SOMETHING to say!" Ein yelled at the others making them quite. "Hey, you don't have the right to yell at them like that!" Noi says to Ein. "Well you don't have the right to yell at me!!!" Ein says storming off. "And where are you going?" Zane asked. "What does it look like? Home!" Ein says slamming the door leaving every in a uncomfortable silence.

While Ein was walking to his house, he saw Mac's guards stealing stuff from Pierce's house which made him more angry. "OI!" Ein called out. "PUT THAT BACK!!!" "Or else what?" A feminine voice called. "Ugh, Mac look. I'm not in the mood-" Ein said while turning towards make but was soon caught of my getting attacked from behind. "HEY, LET ME GO!!!" Ein said. "Nope, your coming with me, GUARDS!!!" Mac screamed. Then Ein felt a sudden sharpe pain on his neck and blacked out instantly. "Be careful with my love," Mac said. "I don't want to hurt him yet..."

(Meanwhile back at the mansion with Pierce)

🥩 Pierce's POV 🥩

I got punched in the face. "Look kid, cough it up! You don't have a choice! Either do as she says or else!" The guard yelled at me. "N-Never!..." I managed to spit out. "Leave him only, I have a way to make him obey. "Mac said. "Ah, Mrs. Mac! Your back!" The guard greeted in surprise while I just scoffed. "Mhm, now leave, I'll talk to him myself!" Mac ordered and the guard left. "Awww, look at you all tied up and bruised!" Mac teased evilly. "Shut up you bitch..." I spat out. She did a silent "hmph" in amusement and pulled out a serum. "What is that?!" I asked getting scared. "Oh this? Nothin just... something that will make you obey me!" Mac said as she interested the serum into my neck make me wince a little. "I'm going to leave you down here for a while to let the serum kick in! Bye bye, Pierce!~" She said and walked away, leaving me dizzy and soon enough...I pass out.

🥕 Mac POV 🥕

As I leave dungeon I was greeted by my best friend Kim. "Kimmy!" I shouted. "Macaroni!" Kim waved. Once I got to her we hugged and I told her about what I did to Pierce, cause I could always tell Kim anything! "Oh wow..." Kim said. "Ikr, then after the serum kicks In I'm going to have Ein all to myself!" I squealed. "Anyways, I gtg! Bye Kim!" I said giving her a hug. "Bye!" She hugged back and I left.

📜 Kim POV 📜

After Mac left I sneaked into the dungeon to find Pierce and once I did, I was terrified at the scene. He was bruised up and crying in pain from the serum. "P-Please...M-Mac, Ein... somebody... help me..." Pierce cried. The serum was working cause he was asking MAC for help. I knew what I needed to do at this moment. "I...I need to tell somebody!"


Hope you enjoyed! Like I said I'm SOOO sorry that I stopped updating! 🤧🖤✨ I'm trying to get back into writing as well as drawing so I've been busy with that. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I will see you guys next time, on "Erice|My Love For You!" PEACE OUT MOTHER FUCKERS!!!!

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