C: NOI?!?!

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Last time on Eric's, My Love For You...

"NOI?!" I yelled.

"Hehe....hey Pierce...." He said with his awkward laugh.


"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I yelled in pure furry. "I wanted to stop you-" Noi said. "Noi, I understand what your doing and WHY you have doing it, but for Irene's sake, NOI!!!! YOU KNOW YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!!!" Pierce yelled. "I was just worried about you! Why is it such a big deal!?!?!" Noi yelled back. "Noi, I'm sorry but you need to go back home!" Pierce said. "No way, I'm not leaving you!" Noi said. "Then I'll have to make you lea-" But before Pierce could finish a voice echoes through the area. "Hello, Pierce, and surprisingly Noi." A feminine voice called out. Pierce was confused at first but Noi knew that voice right off the back. "MAC!" NOI yelled out. Then, Mac came out of the shadows of a tree.

"Hello boys!" Mac greeted. "You." Pierce growled. Mac smirked. "Just the person I wanted to see! Pierce, how have you been?~" Mac asked/said. "I would be better if you weren't here." Pierce said. Mac laughs. "The feelings are neutral, Demon." Mac says coldly. There was a cold awkward silence for Noi, so he decided to break it. "So, what's the plan?" Noi asked Pierce. "Well, for starters..." Pierce started turning to Noi. "I need to get you out of here..." Pierce said snapping his fingers. "Wait... WAIT PIERCE!-" Noi yells as he disappears in then air. "Now than..." Mac starts.

"Shall we get started?"

A/N: Hey guys, sorry it's been a while! I've been busy lately. But I have a question for the next chapter! I'ma let y'all vote on whether the next chapter a fight scene between Mac and Pierce, or, a argument with Noi and Ein. Please make your vote on the next page! If you vote on this page I will delete it. Bye-

My Love For You II Eirce FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now