Chapter 76: You Can Come Back Home

Start from the beginning

"Oh, I'm a sex-positive feminist. Our bodies are an expression," Moon responds. The cousins furrow their eyebrows and nod. "But feminists aren't anti-" Selena cuts herself off when she sees Moon's bright smile. "Never mind. That's a beautiful thought," she utters, grinning at the girl. I think I know what she means, she thinks. Moon beams at her before going back to washing the car with her fellow cheerleaders. Sam and Selena turn to each other and shake their heads, giggling before walking off.

"This is going so great! Thank you so much for helping me put this together," Selena expresses. Sam grins and slings her arm around her. "Of course! I'm glad I could help... So, uh, how is he?" she replies. A small smile forms on Selena's face. "He's okay. He's... scared. You know, because of the surgery," she answers. The blue-eyed girl nods in understanding. "I'm sure you're helping him feel better though. It's good that you're by his side," she opines. Selena told her that she confessed her feelings and kissed Miguel, and Sam is beyond happy for her.

She even went with her to visit him at the hospital once and saw the strong chemistry between the two. She believes they're perfect for each other and knows that Miguel will need Selena by his side now more than ever. Selena smiles softly at her cousin's statement. She likes to think that she is helping Miguel. "I guess so... Come on, we got a lot of cars to wash," she voices, giggling as she pulls Sam along with her.


Juvenile Detention Center

Robby sits alone eating his meal. The TV is on in the background but he's not paying much attention to it. "Students from West Valley High are volunteering their time today, washing cars to raise money for a worthy cause," the news reporter speaks. "We've raised over $1,000 already. We're all doing our part to help. Miyagi-Do is all about helping people," a familiar voice speaks next, making Robby's ears perk up. He whirs around to look at the TV, seeing Selena on the screen.

"Wasn't it a Miyagi-Do student who put Miguel Diaz in the hospital?"

"That was an accident. At least I think it was... I hope so," Selena responds, sounding a bit uncertain. Robby's face slightly falls, the guilt returning. His eyes land on Shawn, who's at the table behind him. Shawn eyes him before looking back at the TV, Robby doing the same thing. "What I do know is that Miguel needs our help. We love you, Miggy," Selena continues, smiling into the camera. Robby's chest tightens a little. He's not surprised that she's doing this for Miguel since she's in love with him, but he just wishes she knew how sorry he is for what happened.

"Thank you, Selena. This car wash will be going on this evening..."

Shawn and his crew walk up to Robby. "That's your girl?" he asks, smirking and pointing at the TV. Robby turns around to look at him. He furrows his eyebrows, feeling uncomfortable that Shawn called Selena "his girl." Shawn glances back at the screen. "I don't know. Sounds like vanilla not her flavor no more. She decided to stick with the horchata," he pokes fun. Robby shakes his head. "She's not-" he begins to say when Shawn interrupts. "Who knows? Thinking maybe she'd be drinking that dark roast next," he cockily remarks, rubbing his chin and chuckling.

Robby shoots up from his seat, facing the boy. Shawn towers over him but he still stands bravely as anger bubbles up inside him. He doesn't like how this guy is talking about his sister. "How 'bout you shut your mouth?" he retorts. "Sorry-ass punk," Shawn fires back, menacingly taking a step forward. He looks off to the side and announces, "looks like karate boy wanna throw down." He turns his gaze back to Robby. He really does not want any trouble... but we don't always get what we want.

*Time skip*

Rosalía nervously waits in the grey room. She glances around, seeing multiple juveniles interacting with visitors. She's finally going to see Robby after everything that happened. She hasn't seen him since she and Daniel went to Johnny's apartment to look for Sam. She's scared to meet with the boy because she thinks he hates her for what Daniel did. She really hopes that's not the case, but she feels anxious regardless. She looks up when she hears a loud buzz. A door opens and Robby walks through, escorted by a guard.

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