Chapter 13

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A/N: I will be putting both pov in here. As it is the finale.

(Tony POV)

It's been a few weeks since Kelly's
Incident and I was determined to find this motherfucker by any means. I already had clues from the sight he must've shot Kelly from and now, I finally found his address thanks to being a night owl, I should consider being a detective.

Within an hour later, I found the guy's place, checked around for cameras and destroyed them then broke into his house and tackled him down.

???: "Hey what the-"

I cut him off by pistol-whipping him across his head, I then dragged him to his basement and hung him up by the wrist, then gathered a few tools.

Minutes later, the man woke up, "The hell is wrong with you?!" the guy voiced angrily, with a bit of fear in his voice.

"you..shot my wife", I said seriously, glaring at the man, "I'll make you pay, but before I do, tell me who put you up to this".

The guy dared to spit on my face, I wiped it off and immediately Tortured the man as he screamed in pain. Eventually, the guy fainted and I smiled as I erased his memory of me and Kelly, let him off the chains, and left like nothing happened, with a small smile on my face, happy with what I'd done to the man who hurt kelly.

I simply removed a finger or two, a bit more. gave a few cuts, let's just say...he might die.

I stopped by McDonald's and got food and a vanilla milkshake.

(Kelly POV)

Tony has been acting quite strange lately, they barely slept, I wonder what's going on with them...

A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts, I eventually go answer it after the third knock and see that it's Ashley standing before me, I instantly get upset.

" Tony here? I wanted to-" I cut her off by punching her straight in the mouth, "gah! What the fuck!?" She said holding her mouth, bleeding through her spit.

"you...slut!" I pounce on her and beat the hell out of her, of course, Ashley returned the favor and fought back, I got hurt a bit worse, forgetting she was part vampire but I didn't show it, I had to stay strong, I surprised Ashley by using pyrokinesis against her.

"the hell? You have powers!? No matter, if I can't have Tony, no one can!!" Ashley announced proudly, as she fought with me more. I eventually won, "tch.. I should've gotten a better assassin that day" she mumbled under her breath but I heard her clearly, kicked her in the face, and spit at her, "stay away from my wife, bitch". Ashley agreed due to being defeated and not wanting to get more hurt or worse and left.

I took a shower and fixed myself up that way Tony doesn't get worried, they tend to overthink a lot. I giggled to myself as I heard tony's car in the driveway.

Later, I sighed lovingly at the person I love in the whole world as they slept..I can't wait to see what the future holds for us, without interruptions of course.

A/N: What did you think of this book? I'd love to know your opinion. I loved making this story, it was so fun! I really hope you enjoyed it. check out my other stories as well. 
Don't forget to vote and share, if you want to share of course.
Guys! I'm Planning a spin-off of this story, it'll be coming soon!
Word Count: 591

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