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A/N: [IMPORTANT]TW: Homophobia, trauma, anxiety attack 


As I lay on my girlfriend's lap, I started to revisit my past through my thoughts, how I went from 'hell to heaven', I Wondered how kelly could love an emotionless, Piece of garbage like me who has social anxiety and attempted suicide. I started drifting to sleep from kelly's soft strokes on my head.

Back then, my family and I were happy together, I had great friends, and I was practically perfect in my parent's eyes, that is until they found out I was gay. My parents laughed in my face:

"Oh sweetie, you're only 8 years old, what could you know about being gay huh?" My mother said chuckling, "we've told you many times tony, Being gay is a sin. you shouldn't be so gullible dear, their lifestyle is wrong, it's disgusting"

"Your mother is right Munchkin-" My father agreed with mom as he blew smoke from his cigar, "those fags should be ashamed of themselves."

"B-but ms Paterson said God loves all and that being in love with another girl or boy is okay" I voiced as I clenched my shirt in fear of my parents.

"Don't be a ridiculous child! your teacher is wrong. Hell, she's probably one of them!" My father Yelled after taking a puff of his cigar again, "Ugh, I'll have to put you in another class, away from that..Disgusting sinner"

"W-What, no dad, what about my friends," I said, terrified about what may happen next.

"You'll make a new friends munchkin" He calmly said as he ruffled my hair, "don't worry your precious little head, daddy will take care of it."

"You'll find yourself a nice man, just like your father dear, one day. now go on and play in your room" My mother happily said with a smile plastered on her face.

I did as she said and went to my room, as soon as I closed my door, I suddenly felt like the walls were closing in, my heart was rapidly beating. My chest felt tight as I started hyperventilating. I thought it was just the fear I felt, but I discovered I was having an anxiety attack because of my fear.

As 2 years went by, my parents abused me in a tortured way, they hired 3 kids to bully me because of my sexuality. One day, I stood on the school roof after it was over and 10 seconds away from ending it all, I wanted death back then.

To my surprise, a little girl stopped me just in time. The girl seemed 1 year older than me, I cried in her arms for what seemed like hours. I mean who would do and say that to an innocent child?

I wouldn't be where I am if it wasn't for that girl back then. Thanks to her, I'm a video game developer and a famous Youtuber, I'm eternally grateful for her.

A/N: Don't let anyone stop you from being who you are, loving who you want to, and being who you want to be. Keep on the right path, find those friends and family who will stick by your side. 

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