A quack in bivouac

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The next day , in the Nightingale Woods , Nicky and Paulina finished setting up the photo set that would be used for their report , Camping Chic . Bianca and Colette had come to lend a hand for the final preparations .

Colette/Bianca : Your models are ready !

Paulina admired Violet , Dina , Tanya , Vic , Roni , Shen , and Craig transformed into fashionable campers .

Paulina : You are perfect ! Can we start the session ?

Violet/Tanya/Dina/Shen/Vic/Roni/Craig : Yees !!

But as soon as Nicky finished adjusting her camera , the light that illuminated the clearing disappeared .

Paulina : Hey ! What's going-

Before Paulina could even finish her phrase , thunder rumbled and it poured down .

Pamela : Ah , shit ! It's a raining !

Bianca pointed to a small nearby house .

Bianca : Quick ! Let's take refuge there !

The small group ran for cover .

Nicky : Aw , man ! And now , what do we do ?

Paulina : No giving up ! The equipment is dry ! As soon as it stops raining , we will reinstall it and take our pictures !

As the minutes passed , the storm gave no sign of abating . It was now falling downpours , which transformed the clearing into a gigantic paddling pool . Paulina observed the scene from the window of the small house .

Paulina : *sigh* Alright , I'll break the news to the others...

But when she turned around , what she saw left her speechless . While waiting for the storm to pass , her friends had settled on the carpet and were trying to pass the time with board games they had unearthed .

Paulina : Nicky...do you remember what happened last summer , the day we wanted to have a picnic with Penny ?

Nicky : Of course ! While we were going to the meadow we had chosen , it started to raining . We sheltered in the park ranger's tool shed and ate there !

Paulina : Right ! If you want to live adventures in nature , you also have to accept rainy days , where projects fall through . But with a little trick , we always find a way to have fun !

Immediately realizing what her friend was up to , Nicky ran to grab her camera , ready to shoot a new title , which could be called "Camping Chic...and smart !". Bianca took the opportunity to take some shots herself , and the afternoon flew by .

In the evening , Pam slid under her blanket .

Pamela : What a fantastic day !

Colette applied a moisturizer to her face .

Colette : The most incredible thing is that Nicky and Paulina were not discouraged and were still able to carry out their report !

Lying each in bed , Colette and Pamela commented on their day as they had done every night since they shared the same room , it was their way of separating before falling asleep .

Pamela : And tomorrow it will be your turn , Coco ! We'll take care of Modern Princess !

Colette : I feel a little nervous . If you knew how much I want to become a fashion journalist as talented as Rebecca...Then , good night , Pam !

After switching off the light , Colette waited for Pam's never-failing response . And it didn't take long to wait .

Pamela : Good night , Coco . Sweet dreams in pink...

In the darkness of the room , Colette smiled , it was the most adorable formula she had ever heard , her roommate repeated it to her every night .

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