An great opportunity

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Leaving the auditorium with her friends .

Mae : Yees!!

Colette : I don't believeIdon't believe ! That's a brilliant idea !

Rebecca Sabo had just revealed to her students what the final exam would be , each would have to do a fashion report and the best one would be published in Cosmouse . Candidates should therefore choose a theme and illustrate it with original photos . Colette was overflowing with enthusiasm .

Colette : What do you think is the best light for expressive photos ? The pale morning light or the golden afternoon sun ?

Paulina : Well , I would say-

Colette : Of course ! Before worrying about lighting , I have to think about clothes ! Rather a sporty or elegant outfit , in your opinion ?

Violet : In my opinion-

Colette : What am I talking about ?! I have to set the context first !

Paulina , Violet , Nicky and Pamela exchanged an amused look , it had only been ten minutes since the end of the lesson and Colette had already thrown herself headlong into the design of her project . Nicky stoped and looked her friend in the eye .

Nicky : Calm down , Coco ! We know how much you care about this , but you have time to think ! You might as well choose your subject calmly .

Colette : Right , but even if it means trying my paw at my dream job , I'd like to do a good job !

Pamela : Good job ? Your report will be excellent , I'm sure !

Reassured by the confidence she inspired in her four accomplices , Colette rushed to her room and set to work . She began by rereading the valuable notes she had taken during the lesson , then flipped through her favorite issues of Cosmouse in search of inspiration . Finally , she found the right idea . Arming herself with sheets and colored pens , she drew up a fairly precise draft of the report she had in mind , then ran out to show it to her friends .

Colette : If they like it as much as I do , I'll get on it right now !

Carried away by her enthusiasm , the student started a turn without checking that the way was clear and hit ... Bianca .

Colette : Oh , sorry !

Bianca : It's okay .

She bends down to pick up the leaves that Colette had dropped . As she handed her back her folder , the headline on the front page caught her attention .

Bianca : Modern Princess ?

Colette : This is the theme I chose for the exam . Every girl has something special that makes her feel like a princess . In my report , I would like to present the outfits that best highlight the character of each other .

Bianca : Your idea sounds great ! And for the photos , I can already suggest a model to you .

Colette : Really ? I know her ?

Bianca : Not only do you know her , but you have her in front of you !

Colette was not the only one , among the Thea Sisters , to want to rub shoulders with fashion reporting . Nicky and Paulina were also thinking about a good subject for Rebecca Sabo's final test . Nicky lay down on her bed .

Nicky : We would have to come up with something original .

Paulina flipped through the digital version of Cosmouse on her laptop .

Paulina : Yes , something unusual...and reflecting our tastes .

The two girls thought in silence about how to make a series of fashion photos that evoke their universe . A brief ringing tore them from their cogitations . On the computer screen was an envelope , Paulina had received mail in her mailbox .

Thea Sisters Fanserie chapter 16 - Fashion goalWhere stories live. Discover now