Chapter Twenty Three

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The two showered, brushed their teeth and got in bed.

As Zoë soft shores filled the room, Aïda pondered on the night's events.

She had finally switched on her phone and their were several missed calls from Aden and the Harmses. Aden's last call was not too long after she left his place but Johanie had called her only a few minutes prior. She decided to send her a text staying that she was safe at home. Johanie back text stating that she was happy to hear that and that they'll talk.

Aïda did not want to talk. Especially not about Aden however, her mind kept going back to what Tiffany said. We'll Tiffany said alot but, the part that made Aïda's heart slip a beat was the part about him dumping Tiffany, at Christmas. So he's been single all this time and what was it about the jersey? Maybe Burton will know. On the other hand, if she ask Burton he'll definitely be curious about her and Aden. What will she tell him? Aden had always only left her with questions. Just when she thought that she had their relationship/ situation figured out, he left her broken.

Just like that fateful afternoon in high school all those years ago.

*Flashback Starts*

"Miss Völlenhoven, may I see you in my office ? It will only take a few minutes."
"Erm...yes Miss Engelbrecht."
"Good. Follow me and don't worry you did nothing wrong."

Aïda only smiled at the principal. Miss Engelbrecht seemed really tough and ruthless to those who didn't know her or to unruly students but Aïda, being a top student knew she was quite a softie.

Aïda followed the principal but her mind was on her best friend Aden. He had asked her to meet her at their favourite eating place, after school. What could be better then hanging out at your favourite fast-food joint on a Friday afternoon. It was opposite the school and had the best gatsbys in town. In fact, both Aden and Aïda swore it was the best in the Cape.

Aden had asked her to meet him their after school and the ball had already rung ten minutes earlier so, Aïda was in a hurry. Her Afrikaans teacher had kept the class behind.

Anyway, Aden told her that he had something really important to tell her and that "hopefully their relationship will be even better after the talk". Those were his words. To top it off some girls in her class were telling her how lucky she was to have so much power over Aden. Apparently he was putty in her hands. They even want as far as calling her Mrs van den Heever. Most of Aden's mates called her that as well.

It had been two weeks since she saw Aden and the redhead girl. Initially she had planned to and their friendship but when she saw Aden that Monday morning she changed her mind. Aden had bough her a bouquet of tulips ( which he gave infront of other students) and apologised for his distant behaviour. She could not ignore those puppy eyes especially with those enlarged pupils. He looked at her as if she was the only girl in the world.

When Aïda entered the principal's their were students from all grades: 8-12. Five from each grade. The principal had assembled all of them to discuss the upcoming interprovincial sports competition. Actually it was a track and field day. They had to teach sports anthems and dances to the kids at assembly every morning untill the competition.

Aïda couldn't believe her luck instead of being with Aden she had been enlisted to be a mascot. Seriously.

The meeting was about forty five minutes because, Ms Engelbrecht had actually brought along a CD for them to listen to. She bragged about how their school had the best anthems every year. Aïda was beyond irritated but every time she or one of the other students tried to leave she'd ask for "only five more minutes".

Appetite For LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora