-I love the red light.- Cheryl said looking at the red light in the dark.- It gives it a romantic touch.- she was in Toni's study with the lights off and the blinds down, with the only illumination being the red light since Toni was finishing developing some photos

"You always say the same thing." Toni said taking Cheryl's hand to pull her towards her putting her on her lap, Cheryl put her hands around her neck

-You know I love red.- Cheryl said biting her lower lip, Toni smiled and leaned down to kiss her lips slowly moving in sync, losing both of them at that moment

-Mama.-said Thomas entering the room being careful not to get too much light since he knew his mother would be angry because the photographs could be spoiled and interrupting them, when Thomas saw them he opened his mouth slightly in surprise and ran out of the studio making Cheryl and Toni look at each other it all happened so fast

-Mommy and mama are kissing in the studio.-Thomas said in the distance making their mothers laugh, Cheryl shook her head, kissed her wife's lips and made an attempt to go after her son

-Don't go.- Toni said putting her hands on the redhead's hips making Cheryl sit back on her lap.- a little more.- Toni said looking at her lips, Cheryl smiled and put her lips together with her wife, her son had already seen them so there was no fear of taking a little longer. In addition to the fact that the redhead could not resist the temptation for her wife

Other times some reactions of her children or rather of her little daughter were more innocent like...

-Hi, sweetheart.- Cheryl said when Rose got into the car with the help of Toni, they had both gone to pick up their kids from school and little Rose was the first to exit school

-Mommy.- Rose said happily as soon as she saw her sitting in the passenger seat, she immediately went to her and gave her a hug making Cheryl smile, then she sat in her seat and Toni buckled her

While they waited for Thomas to come out, Rose told them everything she did during that day at school and then she began to sing a song that was playing on the radio.

Cheryl liked to hear her sing with her sweet little voice, she turned her head and saw her happy daughter singing. "She's so cute" said the redhead looking at her wife

-Like you.- Toni said with a smile on her lips which made Cheryl giggle and shake her head but anyway she leaned in and Toni imitated her meeting in the middle, the two smiled into the kiss and Rose released a laugh that made Cheryl and Toni turn away and look at her, the little girl was covering her mouth as she smiled to see her mothers kiss on the mouth

Other times, Cheryl and Toni simply lost themselves with just an innocent kiss, and the excuse was that with so many things to do, whenever they have the opportunity to be alone, even for a few minutes, they take advantage of it.

-Mommy, have you seen my blue shirt? -Jason asked as he entered the laundry room catching his mothers making out against the wall, Jason saw them, lowered his eyes and turned red with embarrassment

"Sorry my prince, what did you want?" Cheryl said, catching her breath, straightening her hair a little, which thanks to her wife had it tousled.

-My blue shirt.-he said looking at his mothers although not in the eyes since he was very embarrassed

Cheryl and Toni nodded, Toni turned around in search of the shirt, took it.-Here.-she said giving it to him

-Thanks.- the redhead said quickly and immediately disappeared, Cheryl and Toni giggled because their eldest son had caught them, this time they had gotten a little too carried away, but what could they do? they both feel so much love and passion that they can't help it

And in public… they also give each other kisses and shows of affection, it is something so natural, it has always been their essence and today they continue to do so..

Cheryl, Toni and Maddie were at Maddie's audition, the two redheads were very nervous but Cheryl was the most nervous

"Baby, calm down." Toni said, putting her hand on Cheryl's back to gently caress her since it was a gesture that calmed the redhead

"If they don't select her, they're going to find out." Cheryl said seriously, clenching her jaw.

-She has done great.- Toni said calmly.- and if they don't select her, there will be another audition.- now Cheryl looked at her pissed off

-She's perfect for the role.- Cheryl said offended by the fact that her wife thought they weren't going to select her

-I know

"I'm here in case you haven't noticed," Maddie said, making Cheryl and Toni turn their heads in her direction.

"Babe," Toni said, focusing her attention on her wife again. "Calm down," she said, this time caressing her cheek with her thumb. "She has your talent, believe me, the role will be her." , instantly calming and making Cheryl smile

Cheryl leaned down and tenderly kissed her lips, she didn't know how she did it but she always managed to calm her down.

"Really?" Maddie said. "We're in public." She said a little embarrassed that her mothers kissed in the middle of the audition room, the redhead sank down a bit on the spot and put a hand on her forehead to cover herself a bit, Cheryl and Toni looked at each other again and shared a look maybe sometimes their children did not feel very comfortable with such displays of affection

The fact is that Cheryl and Toni express their love at all times even though their children are embarrassed or upset, they like to see them like that

"Does it bother you that much?" Toni asked looking at her children, they were sitting on the lawn of their house enjoying an impromptu picnic when Cheryl and Toni had taken the opportunity to kiss each other when their children began to comment that they did it very often.

-It's a bit weird that you're kissing all the time.-said Beatrice rolling her eyes nor did she with nora do it so often and less in front of her family quite the opposite of her mothers

-We don't do it that often.- Cheryl said frowning and her children made faces of not believing what she had just said

-That you don´t do it so often.- Beatrice said in surprise raising her eyebrows.- Rose, what was mommy and mama doing shopping the other day.- said the redhead looking at her little sister

-Kiss each other.-said Rose smiling and covering her mouth with her small hand

-That was because mama was worried about a work issue and I wanted to comfort her.- Cheryl said defensively, and it had only been a simple kiss, her children exaggerated

-And in the game the other day? -Jason said, now Cheryl and Toni were speechless maybe that time they kissed a little more.- my friends did not stop joking all the time.- said the redhead remembering the bad time he felt

- Does it bother you? Well, look.-Toni said, tired of this subject, she took Cheryl's cheeks in her hands and kissed her deeper and more passionately, making Cheryl smile a little and her children immediately made sounds of disgust, which made Cheryl passionately kiss the lips of her wife more

Cheryl and Toni have always been romantic and passionate and always will be, no matter what anyone else says.

This week I didn't like the Riverdale chapter very much, I'm glad that Cheryl is fine and with powers that I think will make her stronger. And with Toni... I don't like that she's with fangs, I need choni 😖 and it seems that now they're recording their scenes!! so until the middle or end of the season we will not see them 😭😭😭

This is the penultimate chapter 😢 and next week the last. 😭

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