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I'm so sorry if this is the way you find out the news,go watch techno newest video if you haven't already.


I would also like to take this time, as i'm tearing up
and having difficulty writing, but ,We love you technoblade and always will, You have no idea how your videos have helped me and hundreds of people,Your memory lives on in your videos,I'm sitting in my room fucking sobbing right now because i can't wrap my head around this,I hoped it was a sick joke,but no.

Nothing but love to technos family,rest in piece Technoblade, I'll forever be grateful and in debt to
him for the happiness he has provided. please take
this time to hug and express your gratitude towards
your loved ones,also, do not feel pressured to feel sad or upset about this, but also don't feel bad if you are upset your feelings and emotions are your own and your relationship with techno might not have been in person, but if he still affected you in some way then it is okay to be upset and sad. let your emotions be felt!

, i will be keeping my technoblade chapters
in my one shot book up as they bring people joy,im not sure if I'll be continuing to write about him. I will be taking down any romantic ones,or please lmk wether to take all Technoblade storys down.

-hey everyone,im just here to say I will continue writing about technoblades character on the dsmp since I've seen it brings a lot of people comfort and joy,but if that seems disrespectful pls lmk and I won't do it!but if that seems disrespectful pls lmk and I won't do it!Im sorry I keep adding stuff I just really don't know what to do,I'm debating wether to just stop this whole book completely or wjay,it's just so hard yk? Im sorry I just really have no idea on what to do.

I love you all sm And I know some fans who Will unstable so please reach out and call a suicide hotline.

Here's a link for for all suicide hotlines

Also if you're able to please donate !


Rest in piece Technoblade we love you sm.

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