When he exited his room, he was greeted by Creativity and Anxiety fighting with Intrusive Thoughts and Intrusive Thoughts was fighting tooth and nail against the two, who seemed to be trying to pull him down the hall and to the stairs. Logic and Morality was taking up the back end in case he got away from the two. The whole hallway was cover in a thick dark fog, and there were cracks everywhere running along the walls.

"Remus its been three days! Thomas can't take this anymore!" Anxiety was grunting and for his efforts was kicked in the gut that made him be the first to take a tumble down the very stairs they were trying to herd Intrusive Thoughts down.

"Kiddo, please?!" Morality begged, scooting along the wall to get to the fall Side.

"I don't listen to you! I don't have to listen to any of YOU!! I gonna make you all suffer!" Intrusive Thoughts was screeching to the top of his lungs, struggling his brothers grips.

This was not what Self Preservation thought he would wake up too. "What seems to be the problem?" He asked. And everything stopped. All eyes focused on him, but no one answered him. "Perhaps everyone should go to their rooms to calm down. Fighting amongst ourselves is not good for Thomas's daily life." He reminded.

Before he even finished speaking Intrusive Thoughts pulled him close and away from the pale yellow door, wrapping himself around him. "Jan! Fuck!! I told you not to go in there! Why would you do that?!" Intrusive Thoughts rambled, squeezing him tight.

"It is my room." He stated, not bothering in returning Intrusive Thoughts very tight hug. He was still taking in the drastic change of their home. "What has happen?" He asked.

"What has happen is Remus trying to drive us, and Thomas insane!" Anxiety growled out, an arm wrapped around his stomach, apparently still hurting from Intrusive Thoughts kick.

"I was gone for a few hours, there was no need to worry." Self Preservation stated.

Everyone gawked at his claim. "Janus, you were gone for three days." Anxiety choked out, looking paler than normal.

"Kiddo, you scared us." Morality nodded, looking like so stressed and white as a sheet, and it seemed that Creativity had himself placed in front of everyone and so tensed as if waiting for something to drop and attack them from how his eyes were bouncing around everywhere.

Self Preservation let the information given to him sink in. It hadn't felt like three days. He had only meant to take a nap. That explained why Intrusive Thoughts was upset. He hadn't meant to scare them. He would fix this, by first helping everyone calm down, and off edge. Then he would have to check in on Thomas.

Logic was the first of the other to approach the group and Intrusive Thoughts let out a feral sounding growl at his approach and pulled himself and Self Preservation away from the Logical Side. And Self Preservation let him be pulled along, since it seemed being close was helping Intrusive Thoughts to calm down. Logic however was not coming to them but to the pale yellow door, and opened it back up. Everyone peeked into the room. "Its still a dark abyss." Logic stated.

Self Preservation looked into his room. Logic's observation confused him, for that was his room. Maybe the dark fog from Intrusive Thoughts was affecting everyone. Shrugging a bit to loosen Intrusive Thoughts hold on him, Self Preservation got an arm free and snapped his fingers, and as if it was never there to begin with, the dark fog vanished. Intrusive Thoughts let out a deep sigh and Self Preservation tilted his head, letting the Intrusive Side, bury his nose into his neck, taking deep calming breaths. With the fog gone, maybe everyone could start calming down.

"May I suggest everyone go to their rooms. I think it would benefit you all to take a moment to rest. Long expose to Intrusive Thoughts nightmare fog, could have a some mental side effects, and could cause some mental hallucination directed to Thomas." He instructed.

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