A chorus of hi's, hello and welcome strung through the air. Aaron and Alexander however remained silent.

"Hello," greeted Mr. Washington shortly.

"Me and Mr. Washington will be coming around ok?"

Okay's answered her.

"Good, now get back to playing!"

And just like that the chatters and murmurs returned. Alex looked over at Aaron's face, trying to read his expression.

"So..." Alexander trailed off as Aaron stated daggers into Washington's back as he spoke with Philip.

"What Alexander?" Aaron snaps, not looking his way.

"Who do you think's gonna go?"

"Not us, that's for sure." responds Aaron, "He's probably only doing this to get more votes, as a charity cause. I bet you whatever kid leaves will be back sitting here in a few months."

Alexander frowned. So far it didn't seem like this was a big hoax because paparazzi would be all over the place. Part of Alexander wanted it to be genuine but he knew Aaron was right.

It was anything for the votes.

And so Aaron and Alexander sat next to each other, backs resting against the sunny yellow wall as they played on their phones.

No one ever wanted the older kids, no one would ever want them. So they wouldn't advertise themselves, besides it was the younger kids that needed to go and have a good life.

Alexander looked up Mr. Washington in hopes of finding more information on him. Supposedly he lived in Virginia but owned a house up in New York. He was said to be 'smart yet quiet, a leader in disguise'.

Although Alexander knew he wasn't quiet from the videos he had seen of the great man, nonetheless Washington fit the description.

"This is Aaron Burr and as you know, Alexander Hamilton." says Ms. Manderson made the two teens look up.

Standing over them was Ms. Manderson and Mr. Washington. They scrambled to get on their feet before the two adults.

"Hello sir." says Aaron nodding.

"Hello." said Alexander a beat after Aaron.

Washington looked at the two boys.

Ms. Manderson's smile faltered and her left eye twitched. She did that when parents couldn't find the right kid.

Alexander and Aaron was her last chance to get Washington to adopt a kid.

"Burr, take a walk with me." Washington said and the two walked off. Ms. Manderson let out a sigh of relief.

"Burr is a good kid, Washington will like him-" Ms. Manderson says as she walks off. Alexander's heart broke. One small childish part of him wanted to get adopted by someone. Over the seven years of being at the orphanage he had hidden these feelings. Feelings that he deserves a home just as much as any kid there.

But Burr would live a good life, and living with a congressman would help jump start Aaron's career in politics. Aaron had always wanted to 'be in the room where it happened' and this is his chance. His chance to be everything he wanted to be. Even if it broke Alexander's heart.

The kids disperse, some sad, some mad, some not caring. Alex was mad and so he went to his and Aaron's room. Aaron would only come in to grab his stuff and then Alex would be alone in a cold room.

He walked in and plopped down on the thin mattress. He could feel every spring through it.

He rested his head on his hands and tried to keep the tears away. A creaking at the door let him know someone was there but Alexander didn't care.

"Alexander, come on. We're going home." Alexander looked up. Standing in the door frame was Washington, beside him was Burr. Aaron had a small smile on his face.

"W-What?" Asked Alexander standing up.

"Be downstairs at 10." Called Washington before walking away. Aaron rushed into the room.

"I might have put in a good word for you."

Alex was still in shock. "B-But you could have gotten a forever home. A jump start in your career even i mean why-"

Aaron rested a hand on Alexander's shoulder. "Congrats Alexander, remember to smile more."

Alexander shook his head "I will never understand you."

Aaron smiled. "What are you waiting for?"

"See you in congress Burr."

"See you in congress Hamilton."

++++(Ten years later)++++

"What do you want, Burr? If you stand for nothing Burr, what will you fall for?" Hisses Alexander in front of congress. Burr looked over at him knowing the two men were on different sides, different teams. Different sides of a war. Different sides of the same coin.

"I- I want to be in the room where it happens. The room where it happens."

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- Riley

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