After saying goodbye to my sister, I closed the door and headed down the sidewalk to school.

As I got further away from my house, I began considering if I should abandon my decision of avoidance and stop by Brenton's house on my way to school. It'd be nice to see his beautiful brown eyes and messy dark hair that would only be messy because he was ill. However, the risk for getting sick was still something I wanted to avoid all together.

I sighed and continued down the sidewalk, reaching the next street that would take me to school.

As I rounded the corner, I caught sigh of the black Kia parked next to George's house out of the corner of my eye.

With a deep breath, I ignored it and kept walking.

Just get to school. Ignore it. I repeated to myself in my head over and over.

The street was completely out of view now.

I looked ahead at the surrounding neighborhood homes. The interiors were dark and quiet. Sprinklers watered the dark, luscious grass of a home about five houses down.

It was still summer time, which was why the grass was being watered so early in the morning. School had only started about a month ago. It was my senior year of high school and I hadn't had any problems with people this year. Albeit, it was only the second week of school. I was already in a rush to graduate and just leave high school behind me. The rest of my life held so much more potential. High school was just a test for the bigger world. The world of bills and taxes and paperwork. But also a world I could explore every day. Something new everyday, if I was lucky.

A smile of excitement broke across my face just thinking about graduation. Hopefully, this year would be worth it.

The growl of a car's engine dragged me out of my thought process.

I looked around and saw no one. The car would be coming from a side street, then. Which, in itself, was weird. I had neither seen nor heard a car on or around this road for the past month.

I waited for the sound to get closer before I turned around again.

That's when I saw it. I saw the exact thing I didn't want to see.

The black Kia, peaking around the corner at a snail's pace.

I looked ahead again and focused on where I was. I was a few feet from Brenton and I's meeting spot.

Taking hurried footsteps, I met the spot as the car crept up on me.

With my heart beating in my throat, my legs shaking with fear, and my adrenaline coursing through my veins as I anticipated the worst, I hung a quick right down the street and sped walked to Brenton's house

The car went past the street, but stopped about 30 feet past our meeting spot and made a U turn to head back.

Suddenly feeling terrified, I started to run to the next corner. His house was in the cul-de-sac on this turn. Just another hundred feet.

I looked over my shoulder and spotted the car just feet away from me.

I ran faster, reaching the turn and looking into the cul-de-sac. His house came into view.

I pushed ahead just as the car pulled ahead of me and drove up the sidewalk to cut me off.

A large, burly man with a short but thick beard stepped from the car and onto the concrete in front of me.

Without hesitating, I threw my body's weight to my left and ran around his car, continuing to Brenton's house.

I only got a few feet before a felt a hand clamp down on my wrist.

Fear tore through my body as I fought against his hold.

"NO!" I screamed as I tried to break free.

Another hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me back, a tight pressure causing me to gasp for breath.

I looked up again and realized Brenton's house was only 50 feet away.

With a kick to his crotch, a bite to his forearm, and my fingers pressing into his eyes, I pulled free and ran again.

"BRENTON!" my gutteral scream cut through the air like glass and it would only be Satan himself interfering that would mean Brenton wouldn't hear it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Brenton: September 1, 2014

A shrill scream woke me abruptly, causing me to jump as I sat up in bed.

"Wha-?" I mumbled in a groggy voice.

I sat in bed for another minute, listening for another sound. As seconds passed, I was convinced that it was only a dream. But the sick feeling in my stomach drove me to get to my feet and hurry to the bathroom.

I puked into the toilet again, tears stinging my eyes and my nose burning.

I gagged at the smell and taste and forced a wave of nausea away. The last thing I wanted to do was puke a second time.

As I leaned back against the wall, I heard the scream again. This time, however, I could decipher a single word they had screamed. A word that made my blood run cold.

It was my name.

Forgetting about my flu, I got to my feet and fled the bathroom, ran down the stairs, hurried through the hall and into the entry way.

I reached the door and threw it open, the handle slamming into the wall so hard that the drywall caved in and white dust sprinkled over the tile floor.

I hurried outside and looked around.

The only movement my eyes caught were a single car pulling out of my neighbor's driveway calmly, and slowly driving to the main street before making a right turn and disappearing.

Confused, I closed the door again and turned around to go back inside.

I saw the hole in the wall and flinched when I realized I was going to get reemed by my mom when she found out.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Mona: September 1, 2014

I didn't get very far. His arms grabbed at me again and wrapped around my waist.

I turned to push my thumbs into his eyes, but before I was able to turn fully around, a cloth was thrown into my face. His hand held the cloth against my nose and mouth desperately.

Chloroform. I thought in horror. I held my breath and fought against his grip as he dragged me back to his car.

I already had one whiff of it and was light headed. It smelled horrible.

If I didn't breathe, I would faint anyway. There was no way out unless Brenton saved the day or I broke free.

As we were now only inches from the car, I realized with every passing millisecond that my chances of escaping were becoming nothing.

Adrenaline rushed through my veins and my heart slammed against my chest.

It was all I could hear now. My own heart. My lack of breathing.

My vision began to unfocus and blur and I became light headed. I couldn't fight anymore. My body drooped as my brain begged for oxygen.

Defeated I tried taking in a breath, but was only met with the horrible, chemical smell of chloroform.

I gulped in the scent accidentally, hoping it was air. Forgetting it wasn't.

My body relaxed and my eyes were now completely out of focus.

I felt like I was being thrown. My body was numb and I felt no landing. Only flying. No other sounds registered besides my beating heart and desperate breathing as I fell unconscious.

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