Just The Way You Are

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Request: Could you do like an Amanda x liv x reader. Ofc only if you can. Thanks! Your one shots are amazing btw.

Lately, it feels like Amanda and Olivia are pulling away from you. You know logically that the two of them have just been swamped at work. And with Noah and James's schedules along with your work schedule, it's just been hectic. But still, it didn't stop you from feeling left out. Some nights the two of them could barely drag themselves to bed. Some days they didn't come home until the early hours of the morning or they wouldn't make it home at all. 

One night they came home at a decent time surprising both you and the boys.  It was only for dinner but it meant a lot. That was the night when you noticed the mark on Amanda's neck. "What's that?" you asked moving the hair from her neck.
She blushed " We needed a break and things got out of hand." she whispered looking over at Olivia.
"Oh," you mumbled focusing back on your task.
Amanda noticed your mood shift as wrapped her arms around you. "If we make it back at a decent time tonight I'd be happy to demonstrate." she husked.
" Yeah sure." You grumbled pulling out of her embrace as you walked over to the table leaving behind a very confused Amanda and Olivia. You knew it was silly to feel this way but you couldn't help it.  It upset you to know that while you're here taking care of the boys and the house along with your job they were able to make time for each other but didn't include you.

That night they didn't make it home until 2 am. You listened as they moved around the dark bedroom trying not to disturb you. You cried quietly as you listened to their giggles and kisses in the shower. Once they were done they joined you in bed each one laying on either side of you. Each one taking a moment to place a gentle kiss on your cheek. You knew they loved you but still, you felt insecure.

The next morning you awoke to both of them in bed which was rare these days. Silently stretching your limbs you look between them. Your movement caused Olivia to stir as she looked over and smiled.
"Good morning." she husked.
"Morning," you mumbled.
Sighing she wraps her arm around you pulling you towards her. "What's the matter? And don't say nothing. I know you."
You shrugged your shoulders not really knowing what to tell her.
She sighed " Talk to me, sweets." she begged. "It's stupid," you mumbled.
Sighing once more she lifts your chin with her finger "I don't care how stupid you think it is. If it's bothering you I want to know," she says combing your hair out of your face.

You try to contain your emotions but you can feel the tears pricking your eyes. "I just miss you. Both of you," you whispered.
Olivia nods "We miss you too. But I think it's more than that."
You sighed " It upset me that you and Amanda had sex without me. But it's not the sex part...I mean it is. But it's more than that. I...I don't know. I told you it's stupid." you whispered your voice cracking with emotion.
Olivia nods her head "It upset you because you felt left out? Because we haven't been here much?" she asked.
You nod your head not trusting your voice. "That's not stupid y/n. I would feel the same way if the roles were reversed."
You chuckled rolling your eyes at her "no you wouldn't."

"But I would." Amanda chimed in her voice raspy from sleep.
You look over to see her hovering behind you.
She smiles placing a kiss on your cheek.
"Honey, it's normal to feel left out sometimes. It's not stupid. Your feelings are never stupid."

"But I don't like feeling this way. I feel like I always need validation or I don't know some kind of reminder that I'm wanted and loved. And it's stupid because I know that you both love me. And... I don't know it makes me feel weak. " you explained.
Amanda nods her head "I understand. But that's why we talk about it. Okay? Don't shut us out."
Olivia nods "She's right. I hate that you feel this way. But I can't fix it or try to understand it if you don't talk to me."
"I know. I'm sorry," you whispered.

Amanda leans down until her lips hover over yours "Hey. Don't apologize. We love you so much. I'm sorry that we haven't been here." she whispered as she leans in to kiss you.

You moaned into the kiss pulling back just enough to speak. "It's okay. It's not like you did it on purpose. It's work. I get it."

"That may be but still we haven't been here even when we're physically here. And for that I am sorry." Olivia apologized. 
You smile at her nodding your head. "Thank you."
Olivia smiles leaning down to kiss you as well. Pulling back you sigh looking over at the clock. "What time do y'all leave today?" you asked. Amanda smiles "We don't! We have the next few days off." she says.

You smile "The boys will love that." you tell them making them chuckle.
"I think you'll love it too," Olivia says.
"She will because while we're here you aren't allowed to do anything. We will get the boys up, dressed, and off to school or any other activities. All you need to worry about is getting rest and love from us." she says. 
"I have to work." you chuckled.
"Actually I called Lynn this morning. I asked her if she could spare you for the next couple of days," she confessed.
You smiled " Amanda You didn't have to do that."
"Oh, but we did." Olivia cuts in. "You need a break babe. And we missed you so we plan on catching up for the next few days." she husked in your ear making you blush. 
"See here I am being sad and you two are being the sweetest. I hate this." you groaned.

Amanda rolls her eyes " Listen to me. We love you just the way you are. These thoughts and feelings are normal. We just have to talk about it. Okay?" she asked.
You smiled "Okay."  
"Good. Now Olivia and I are going to wake up the boys and take them to school. When I get back I expect you to still be in this bed waiting for me." she husked.
"Yes, ma'am." 
She smiles leaning down to kiss you before getting up. Olivia is quick to replace Amanda's lips with her own. You moan into the kiss smiling as she pulls back.
"I love you," she whispered.
"Love you too." you chuckled watching her getting up.
"Wait," you called out to them stopping their exit.
"I want to say bye to the boys before they leave," you tell them.
They smile "We will bring them in here before we go." Olivia tells you. 
"Okay." you smiled.
"Keep your ass in bed missy. I have plans for it." Amanda says with a wink. You laughed watching her sway her hips as she walks out of the room. 
Olivia chuckles rolling her eyes at the blonde. "We'll be quick. Bye sweets."
"Bye." you smiled.
Once the door was shut you laid back in bed smiling like an idiot. You were pretty lucky you think to yourself.

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