You're worth it.

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You sighed as the smoke released through your mouth hovering above you. You watched the cars and people below you on the balcony as you thought about your day. A noise draws your attention towards the window thinking Noah has woken up. Surprisingly it's Olivia crawling onto the balcony taking a seat next to you. "I thought you quit," she asked. Nodding your head you sighed " I did." She smiles looking at you before her gaze wanders to the street below. "I'm sorry I know you hate this," you muttered flicking the ashes. "It's okay," she whispered. "You have a bad day?" she asked. You nod your head as silent tears fell. "I thought I was getting better I really did." you whimpered hiccupping as you inhaled the smoke breathing it out again.

"We all have bad days sweets. It's okay. " she tells you. Shaking your head you hiccup as you speak " I practically had to drag myself out of bed this morning. The only reason I did was because Noah was hungry." you cried. Taking a moment you tried to finish " All he wanted to do was go to the Park. I couldn't even do that. I just wanted to crawl back into bed and stay there." you tell her. She nods her head " It's okay." "No, it's not! I'm a terrible mother! All he wanted to do was spend time with me and play and I couldn't do it Liv. I just couldn't do it!" you sobbed. Olivia quickly wraps her arms around you pulling you in close. "Shh. It's alright baby," she whispered rubbing your back as you sobbed against her.

Pulling back you wipe your tears "I need help Liv. I can't keep doing this. I can't keep feeling like this! I feel so worthless and tired. I'm so tired Liv." you sobbed. Olivia cradles your face in her hands. "You're not worthless! Do you hear me?" she asked wiping your tears away with her thumbs. "We will get you help. I will do whatever I have to," she says. "I don't want to take you and Noah down with me. I don't want him to grow up thinking I don't love him." you sobbed. "He doesn't and he won't. I love you and so does Noah. And I will do everything in my power to show you that. To show you what you're worth. I'll make some calls tomorrow and schedule some therapy sessions. And then we will go from there. Okay?" she asked. You nod your "okay." you whispered.

Olivia signed pulling you back into her arms. She held you as you cried whispering how much she loves you and how important you are. "I'm sorry you have to deal with this," you mumbled pulling back to wipe your eyes. "Don't apologize. You're worth it. Do you hear me?" she asked. You nod as she pulls you in for a deep loving kiss. Pulling back she rests her forehead against yours "I love you baby." "I love you too," you whispered back.

Olivia Benson x Reader one-shots Where stories live. Discover now