Big Brother.

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Today is a special day and one that you've been looking forward to for quite some time. Everything is set up and with some convincing and patience, Noah is set and ready to go. All that's left is waiting for Olivia to get home. Noah is giddy as he impatiently waits for his mother to arrive. You smile at the young boy explaining to him that we must be patient, he sighs returning to his room. You smile watching his little form retreat knowing just how he feels as you waited for your wife to come home.

Five o'clock rolls around and the house is spotless and Olivia's favorite dinner is prepared it's game time. Olivia walks in the door smiling ear to ear as the smell hits her nose. Noah takes off meeting her at the door impatiently waiting for his hug. She lifts the boy up kissing his cheek. She eases him into his chair at the table and heads over to you. She wraps her arms around your waist kissing your neck.
"Hi, babe."
"Hello, Captain. Did you have a good day?"
"It was alright. It just got better though." she smiles hugging you tightly. You turn in her arms kissing her lips gently.
"Dinner is ready. You should go change."
"Okay, I'll be right back." Olivia smiles walking into the bedroom.

While she's changing you set the table, placing three plates down as you go over the plan with Noah one more time. Dinner is nice and it's good to have Olivia's home at a decent hour so the three of you can spend quality time together. Once dinner is done you can see Noah is about to burst at the seams.

"Noah honey why don't you go change into your PJ's," you say winking at him. He eagerly takes off into his room to change. Olivia gets up helping you clean the kitchen and putting the dishes in the dishwasher.
"Dinner was an amazing baby. Thank you." Olivia says smiling at you. Noah comes running into the kitchen.
"Mommy can you help me with my shirt?" he asked Olivia while you tried to appear busy.
"Sure buddy. Is this new?" she asked examining the shirt before putting it over his head.
"Yeah, momma bought it today. Read it!" he exclaims. Olivia smiles as she pulls on his shirt slightly to read the words.
"Best big brother ever." she reads smiling before her brain process what she's read. Her head snaps up looking at you "really?" you nod tears pricking your eyes. Olivia looks at Noah with a watery grin " are you going to be a big brother?" she asked him. He nodded his head smiling at her.
"Oh my God! Oh my God! We're having a baby!!!" she screams. She lifts Noah off the ground spinning him around as he giggles. "We're having a baby Noah! "
"I know mommy!" He tells her in between his fit of giggles. She gently places him on the floor before she wraps her arms around you hugging you tightly. Pulling back in your arms she smiles cradling your face in her hands.
"We're going to have a baby." She whispers through her tears.
"Yeah, we are." You nodded as tears flow from your eyes. Olivia leans in to kiss you before she drops down on the floor lifting your shirt so she can kiss your stomach.
"Hey, baby. I'm your mommy." She whispered softly against your belly leaving little kisses across your stomach.

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