Forever Home

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Request: First of all, I love your writing! <3 Could I please request for Rollins & Benson x teen!reader. I'm hunry for some angst and fluff, maybe the reader is an SVU victim and has abusive family. Protective Olivia, caring Amanda. Also platonic duh. Lmk if you're willing to write it :D

Olivia Benson x Amanda Rollins x teen Reader

Forever Home

"What do we got?" Rollins asked walking over to Fin. "15-year-old female y/n y/ln admitted last night for a broken arm and concussion. The nurse ran some scans and noticed a history of broken bones, bruises, and burns. The girl's foster mother Rebecca Frazier claims she's clumsy. So they called us." He reports. Rollins nods her head "Where is the girl?" "Room 102. I'll keep the mother busy while you talk to her. Just a warning though the girl hasn't talked to anyone and the nurses say she has quite the attitude." He says. Rollins chuckles "Doesn't every 15-year-old girl?" She asked. Fin nods his head with a giggle as he goes to speak to the mother.

Rollins knocks on the door as she approaches the room. Waiting for a response that she doesn't get she peeks her head inside. She smiles as she enters "Hi. I'm Detective Rollins. Is it okay if we talk?" She asked. You look right past her keeping your eyes on the television screen above. Rollins sighs taking a seat next to the bed. "I heard you had an accident. You want to talk about it?" She asked. Again you said nothing keeping your gaze to the screen. "Y/n if someone hurt you I need you to tell me. I can help you but only if you talk to me." She sighs. Again you said nothing hearing the women sigh once more as she gets up to walk out. "Are they going to send me back with them?" You asked.
The deceive stalls at the door turning to face you. "Them?" She asked. "My foster parents." You explained. "Not if you talk to me." She says. "But they'll send me somewhere else? Make me go to a new foster family?" You asked. The detective shakes her head "I'm not sure. I can ask." She says. "I don't want to go back with them. But I don't want to go somewhere worse. At least I know how they are." You said. The woman nods her head taking a seat next to the bed. "How are they y/n?" She asked. You sighed blinking back tears "The mom is nice and she seems to like me. She drinks sometimes but nothing too crazy. I've had worse. But her boyfriend...he.." you stalled turning your head away from her as tears flow down your cheeks.
"What did he do y/n?" She asked softly. "He's mean. He drinks all the time. He hates me. He calls me names and hits me. Sometimes he only hits her but sometimes he gets so mad he comes after me. It wasn't often but here lately it's been a lot." You tell her. She nods her head "Has he ever inappropriately touched you?" She asked. You sighed with a shaky breath you knew this way coming. You nod your head unable to speak. Amanda sighs "How?" She asked. "He comes into my room sometimes and lays in bed with me. He always smells so bad. He started touching me here and there and normally that's it. But last night he..." you stopped had sobs escaped. Amanda grabs your hand "it's okay. Your safe sweetie." "He climbed on top of me. I tried to fight him off I swear..but he's stronger than me. I screamed for help. But no one else was home. He pushed himself inside of me. It really hurt. And I just laid there begging him to get off me. Once he was done he left. I don't know where he went." You said struggling in between sobs. "How did your arm get broken?" She asked. "I told her what he did. She got angry at me. Said that I slept with her boyfriend. She called me a whore and started to hit me. I tried to block the hits with my arm. I tried to tell her that I didn't want to but she didn't believe me." You tell her. Turning towards her with tears streaming down your face you cried " I swear I didn't want to. I tried to stop it."  Amanda shakes her head getting out of her seat to hug you. "I know you didn't sweetheart. It's not your fault. I'm so sorry." She whispered holding you as you cried into her chest.

Once she calmed you down Amanda walked into the hall to meet Fin. "Did she talk?" He asked. Amanda nods "The boyfriend has been abusing her. He raped her last night the mother broke her arm stating that she asked for it and slept with her boyfriend."  "What a piece of shit," Fin says. Amanda nods "My thoughts exactly. Call in the units to search for the boyfriend and we can go ahead and take the mother into custody. I'm going to call Liv and see what to do about the girl." She says. "CPS is already here but they're saying they have nowhere else to relocate her at the moment." He tells her. Amanda shakes her head " She begged me not to send her anywhere else. I'm not sure what to do." She mumbled racking her brain.  " Call Liv. She'll know what to do." He says.  Amanda nods walking outside bringing her cell to her ear. "Hey, babe. How's it going down there?" The brunette asked. "Liv. I need your help." Amanda sighs.

Thirty minutes later Olivia walks through the doors Amanda is leaning against the wall when she walks up. "How is she?" Olivia asked. "She's scared. She doesn't want to go back to her foster mother but she also doesn't want to be placed somewhere worse." Olivia nods her head "What did CPS say?" "They said they don't have space to place her anywhere at the moment." Olivia sighs. "Liv.. her foster mom beat her because she told her that the boyfriend raped her. She thinks it's her fault that she did something wrong." Amanda tells her. Olivia shakes her head "Some people don't deserve children." "I agree." Amanda sighs.  "You think she'll talk to me?" Olivia asked. Amanda nods knocking on the door waiting for you to respond. "Come in," you mumbled.
Amanda opens the door with a small "Hey y/n. I have someone id like you to meet if that's okay." You nodded giving her a small smile. Olivia walks into the room with a warm smile as she makes her way towards you. "Hi y/n. My name is Olivia." she greets you. "Hi," you whispered. " So we took your foster mother into custody and we're still looking for her boyfriend," she tells you. You nod keeping your gaze low. "Are you here to take me?" you asked. "No honey. I'm the captain of SVU."  "I swear I didn't want him to do that. I tried to fight him off. I..didn't mean..."  "Hey. Hey. It's okay. None of this is your fault." Olivia says cutting you off. "Please don't let them take me back," you begged. "I won't honey. I won't," she says.


As the weeks went on the three of you became really close. Amanda convinced Olivia to let you stay with them. Although it didn't take much convincing because you and Olivia hit it off from the jump. Once you got comfortable around them it was as if it was always this way.

Of course, the dreaded day in court appeared. You had to testify against your foster mother and her boyfriend Donnie. Amanda and Olivia promised you they would be by your side no matter what and that the judge has already stated that you're to remain in their custody until further notice. Your day went by faster than you'd imagine and once it was said and done you couldn't wait to go home. Amanda and Olivia walked side by side with you to the elevators anxious to head home after a long day.

Unfortunately, you didn't make it there fast enough before your foster mother and her lawyers came barling around the corner. "You lying little bitch!" she screamed running towards you. Amanda was quick to push you behind her as Olivia stepped in front of the two of you. "Ms. Frazier I'd advise you to reframe from talking to y/n and get on the elevator with your lawyer," Olivia says firmly. "I agree." the short bald man says struggling to pull her away. "Fuck you. She's lying! You're a liar! Donnie never raped her!" she screamed in your direction. Tears flow down your cheeks as you tried to hide behind Amanda. Olivia steps to the side blocking you from her view. "I won't ask again," she says. "She's my daughter. I'll talk to her if I want to," she says. "No, she's not," Olivia growls towering over her.

The lawyer gets ahold of her dragging her towards the elevator. When the doors closed Olivia's protective stance drops as she turns to you. "Are you alright honey?" she asked. You nod sobbing as you walked into her arms. "Shh. It's okay love. She can't hurt you anymore." Olivia whispered kissing your head as she made eye contact with Amanda. The younger woman smiles giving her a wink. "Let's go home," she says walking the two of you into the elevator.

The was the last time you saw or heard from your ex foster mother or her boyfriend. Olivia and Amanda continued to foster you until one day they asked you an important question. To this day it is still funny how nervous Olivia was when she asked. "Y/n? Umm... We would like to know if you'd be okay with adopting you." she stuttered. You looked between the two women with wide eyes "You want to keep me?" you asked. They nod their heads with tears in their eyes. "Yes honey we do," Amanda whispered with a smile. You smiled nodding your head "I would like that a lot." you chuckled. "Really?" Olivia asked. "Mhmm. Really. I love you guys so much." you cried hugging Olivia tightly. She sighed in relief as she hugged you. "We love you too." You smiled as you went in to hug Amanda as well. She smiles placing a kiss on your cheek. "Welcome to your forever home Sweetheart."

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