No comparison

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You knew you were being crazy but you couldn't stop yourself. While you've never really been the jealous type you couldn't help but dislike Amanda and Olivia's relationship. You let it go the first time you noticed Amanda being a little too friendly with Olivia. Hell even the second time you tried to bush it off. But you know the saying three strikes and you're out? Well, tonight is strike three. The squad was hosting a party for Olivia's birthday tonight and the whole gang is here. While you appreciate the squad's family and friendly environment it seems that some like to take it too far. You watched as Amanda's hand lingered a little too long on Olivia's shoulder. The blush that creeps on her cheeks as Olivia speaks to her. Her blue eyes that drift up and down Olivia's body. It was all too much for you and it was taking its toll. There's also the fact that you and Olivia have only been together for a short time. You didn't want to come off as jealous and crazy. So you did what you do best.

Waking over to your girlfriend you decide to interpret the conversation. "Liv," you called out to her she turns to you with a big smile. "I'm going to go. Thank you for the invite. I had a good time." you tell her. Her smile drops "Are you sure? It's just getting started?" she asked. "I'm sure. It was nice seeing all of you. Y'all have a good night." you smiled at the crew before heading towards the door. Walking out of the bar the cold air hits you causing you to pull your coat tighter against your body. You made it a few steps before you heard your name being called. Turning around you see Olivia sprinting towards you.

"Hey what's going on? Why are you leaving?" she asked? "I just don't feel that well so I'm going to head home," you tell her. She frowns "Well let me come with you. Just give me a minute to tell the guys." she says. You shake your head "No Liv seriously it's fine. I don't want to ruin your night." you tell her feeling guilty for messing up her party. "It's okay. I'd rather be with you anyway," she says with a small smile. You chuckled rolling your eyes "I'm such an idiot." you mumbled to yourself. Olivia looks gives you a puzzled look "What?"

You sighed " I was leaving because I felt some type of way about Amanda and now I'm realizing how stupid I am." you chuckled. "Amanda? What about her?" Olivia asked. "I felt jealous of her and you," you confessed. Olivia laughs shaking her head "Why?" You sighed struggling your shoulders "I don't know. She's just always all over you. And smiling and blushing when you speak. And I didn't want you to think I'm some crazy jealous freak so I was going to leave. But then you follow me out here and say you'd rather leave your own party and friends just to be with me and now I feel like an ass." you rambled. Olivia chuckles moving closer to you. "Honey the only person I have eyes for is you. I'd much rather be at the house cuddled up with you than out at a bar. I mean I love my friends but there's no comparison." she confesses pulling you closer to her.

You smile letting her pull your body against hers. "See and that's why I feel like an ass. You're amazing and I'm just being silly." you sighed. Olivia chuckles "It's okay. It's normal. But just so we're clear nothing is going on between Amanda and me. I have a girlfriend." she says smiling. "Oh yeah?" you asked grinning. She nodes her head. "Is she cute?" you asked. Olivia chuckles "The cutest. And I love her very much." she smiles. "I love you too," you whispered leaning up to kiss her. She smiles into the kiss. "Alright let's go back to your party," you tell her. She shakes her head" I have a better idea. How about I text the guys and tell them your sick. And then I can take you home and show you just how much I love you." she says with a smirk. You laughed "Sounds like a plan to me." Olivia smiles taking your hand into hers as the two of you walk home.

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