Home from Hospital

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It had been a few hours, since I had taken a test, so far nothing changed, which I was relieved about. I was ok for now at least, I made my own way to the table when Elvis pulled out the test again. "Um," He said showing me. "Um," I reply biting on a piece of toast, the first food I had, devoured in a lengthy amount of time. Which I then almost swallow whole, "Elvis," I say grabbing the test. He lifts me of my feet and I sit back. 

I'm pacing the bedroom, a few hours later, in shock more than anything from the test results. I haven't moved or done anything. I look down at my phone to see a text from Elvis, but ignore it since he went out with Mum to get food for dinner. How do I tell them? What do I do?  I shake my head, before Marie knocks on the door. 

I panic shoving the test near the bed. "Hi," She say's. I scuffle away from the bed, pretending to fold the sheets. "Hi," I reply. "What are you doing?" She asks me raising an eyebrow and sees, my phone light up on my bed. 

"I was waiting, on a text from Elvis," I say, walking past her out of the room and locking the door behind me. "About what?" Marie asks, dragging me into the kitchen, I reply to Elvis saying I'm not sure and waiting, but how long can I wait? Nothing like, this has happened to me before. I see a yellow, shirt and profile pic, before shaking my head and tell him at least in the end. 

He replies, with will be back home soon, omg. 

I sigh and Marie looks at me like I've, grown another head. How did this happen? I ask myself.        I walk over to the kitchen table and grab the bread and butter, "Feeling sick?" Marie asks me trying to get what I was hiding out of me. "Marie, I'm, me and Elvis," She raises an eyebrow.      "No way," She says throwing arms around me, before getting mad at me. 

"Feeling extra sick, now I won't through the bread at you, Mum might though." I laugh, "I found out two minutes, before you walked in." I say. "Oh apologies," "Elvis is keeping Mum busy," "Good," Marie replies, Lulu's on her way home, from the shops to, Dad won't be far. 

I can't believe how long it's been, since I graduated University. Let alone, what happened with Elvis. I shake my head, nothing can compare knowing what the future, was to be told. I sigh looking down at a yellow profile on my phone and smile at a picture of Elvis, before going into the kitchen. I decide that as Mum has not informed Dad, Elvis and I could do it together. 

I grabbed the bread out of the basket and put it on the side with flour, Elvis hates baking, he can cook but a crap baker, how that works, I don't know. I shake my head. I can not tell if I'm either, nervous, since the text or really high on anxiety like when I graduated my University degree after everyone telling me to leave. 

I set out the rest of the plates for dinner, knowing they'll be hungry when they get home. I sigh and at least I know now what's next in life. I touch my tummy, when there's finally a knock on the door a little time later. 

Elvis opens the door, with flowers in his hands and I jump on top of him. "Hey," He replies catching me with one arm. My Mum is behind him and there's Marie, I look at her she shakes her head and I nod, "You've been gone a few minutes," "Period," Elvis replies, and I straighten up. 

"That heavy?" My Mum questions, "I've never seen you jump on someone before Claire, you hate hugging." "Only when it's the right person," I smirk at Elvis who roles his eyes. "Period," He leans in to kiss my neck. "Later," I say, kissing him back once. "No," He says with a pout, 

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