Shelter back in Manchester

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My life in Manchester has dramatically grown, since our army time together. Spending the night with Elvis in hospital, has not been the first. I restrain my thoughts, for later as Elvis makes a stir for the first time all night, he does not remember but he threw up all through the night. I stare at him blankly when he wakes up. 

"What happened?" He asks. "You were stabbed saving, my brothers life." I say. "Did Abu and Rab escape?" I shrug. "I cared about you, I have not heard, from the officers." I respond. He pulls his weight up on the bed, in his fresh blue nightgown. 

"There a few rooms down, both arrived last night, you were throwing up." I smirk. He narrows his eyes at me, "Sure thing." He say's. "Did you know about the chair change, at my graduation?" I ask him. "Yes," Elvis replies. 

I roll my eyes, "I could have died three times," I say out loud. "You did not think to tell me?" "Me and Charlie, told your brother to move, after we traced down and remembered, who Abu was." I crane my head back. 

"So while, Abu's alive, my freedom is slaughtered." Elvis raises an eyebrow at me. "It's fine, while the officers have got him, I've already sent Charlie a message on Insta," He say's reassuring me. 

"He's in the middle of Omar's country, I'm sure he'll be checking I'll send him a message," I say getting up but Elvis grabs me, pulling me back down. "Emma shut up and kiss me," Elvis pulls me in my heart racing once again but this time we do. 

I kiss Elvis, my hand behind his neck we wait a few moments longer each other breathing. "Settled?" He say's, I groan, "You did that on purpose," 

I say, touching his nose with mine. "Yeah," He replies. He grabs me, by the waist as I sit near his legs, "You know Rab hated me," I say as we kiss again, he brushes a hand near my forehead. 

"Rab did?" Elvis questions me, as his fingers draw through my hair. "Rab had a girlfriend, when I was in University, her name was Marie," I say. "Georgie's, sister?" 

Elvis says not so surprised. "Yeah, he was jealous because I got everything with you," I say. Elvis laughs, "My other family were against the idea," Elvis smirks "Glad I'm still here then," We kiss one last time, I nod just as a nurse walks in on us. 

"Sorry to interrupt Elvis Harte," The woman looks at me and back at Elvis, "No worries, there's a thing called knocking though." He replies. She look's confused but coughs, "Apologies again, but here are your release forms," She says handing over the paperwork, I kick Elvis in the shin. 

He jolts and narrows his eyes at me, I jump of the bed and close the door  again, once the nurse leaves so he can't get me. "Emma," He laughs, I stand over in the corner. "I have the release forms, I could leave now," I say smiling, holding up the paper, Elvis stands up for the first time. 

Walks over attempting to snatch my, paper out of my hands. "Elvis," I say. "Don't move to much, on those stitches," I say, moving the paper around, before behind my back where he can't reach in his gown. I grin, knowing I won, "Fine," Elvis say's grabbing my cheek, a hand on my waist. "No, no, no," I say knowing his plan and sneak out underneath him. 

"Emma," He rolls his head back, "The release forms," "I'm signing you out myself," I say, grabbing a pen. I know once we leave, were back in danger of Abu, no matter where we go. Abu may have gone to prison, but Rab, could be out there and I don't want him anywhere near either of us. 

I grab the pen and write down Elvis and his name. I present down, Emma Harte, next to Elvis. before ceiling up the paper and handing it to him. Elvis raises an eyebrow at me when he sees, the release form and my name, "Having babies now?" I laugh. "Future babies, Elvis, my scans were all ok." I remind him. 

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