University Life in Manchester

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Claire Dawes

It's been a month since leaving University, from my own experience, my best friend and room mate still sends me letters, which Charlie, likes to remind me of. I know I don't get much else, aside from Mum, Dad the occasional added on note from Lulu, having Elvis close by was really all I needed. 

I walked over to the cafeteria and grabbed myself a tea, I never drank coffee during University like my flat mates. Elvis was the same I gathered, over time, which was a good thing, in a way as I never knew how to make the other stuff. 

I had watched Lulu make it now and then, but was not all that impressed, by it. Having Elvis close by, was strange again, no one really, knew who he was to me, but I knew he had been there all along. 

I knew my life had changed, since having him in it, I could not have asked for anything better. I made my way over to the table, pulling out my Ipad to make a few emails, I'll call Mum and Dad later, when I'm with Elvis again. He showed, me new way's of thinking, of not being so quiet, but at the same time, doing my job well. 

Being in the army was a fast paced, life and not everyone was familiar, with the same pace, so I recall. I type my way around my Ipad, making last minute notes, to Charlie and Georgie about our passing of medical supplies across to Nafula. 

It's been a long time, since I spoke to Nafula, last time was when the situation with Omar arose while I had been studying. Getting a call from the British army, during my final exam set, was rather an interesting, experience. Being evacuated by my teacher at the end, to be confronted by the head principal as to when I had applied for such a position. 

I shook of the experience, soon enough my best friend new, but I did not let on to the rest of the teaching staff and council about my sudden changes. Life as I knew it was changing enough, Elvis made it easier. 

I narrowed down my last few notes when I feel a tap on my shoulder, making me jump. "Well highlighted," Elvis informs me sitting down on the other side of the table. "Thanks." I say. "You look flustered." He tells me. "Tired, Elvis." I say rubbing my eyes. " "After all that paperwork, I'm not surprised." He smirks at me. I narrow my eyes at him, "Elvis, I'm busy." "Your tired, you need a break." He also say's. 

"You are so annoying!" I tease him, as he closes my Ipad. "Your lucky, I saved those notes," I scold him. "Apologies, I got them from the printer." He smiles, holding up my handwritten notes. "How?" I ask. 

"Charlie passed me, earlier," He say's handing them to me and I take them, "He has a copy to and Georgie," "Good, you and Finger's don't need one, just your medical pass," He nod's. "Not important enough, I get it." I roll my eyes. 

"So tolerable, Elvis," "Wait until I'm in the orphanage," He replies getting up to go get a drink from the cafeteria. "I won't hear the end of it," I say to him. I run a hand trough my hair and tie it back in a low bun. It was my first time going to the orphanage to, I had seen pictures, over Charlie's desk and were printed out in my notes, which I take a look at. 

"The orphanage?" Maisie's voices, shocks through my system. "Maisie!" "Sorry, loud I know." I gravitate over to the corner of the desk and pile up the rest of my notes. Which appeared, very quickly in over the hour I had been sitting, here before Elvis came. 

He walks back over and sits down next to Maisie. "Hi soldier," Elvis comments. "Hi long time, no see," I raise an eyebrow at Maisie. "The shower head's, I was informed, what happened, you told, me you did not go." 

I pull a questioning face, with my eyebrows raised at Elvis. "You let on didn't you?" "No," He replies smirking. "You did by that face," "What face, there was no face." I roll my eyes. "Sure thing," I smile walking away from the desk to put my dishes away. 

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