Harte at the Orphanage

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I wake up the next morning, to find my arm wrapped over Elvis, his arm is also wrapped around me. I snuggle into his chest, it was a long night, of not remembering much. I look through, the curtain, to see the door open, in walking a female, with dark hair. She looks over at me, somehow knowing we were, already here. 

She waves at me, but grabs something of the table, showing a couple of fingers indicating time, I nod not wanting to disturb Elvis. I mouth thanks, assuming she was one of the army medics. 

I lay against, Elvis a little more until I hear a groan, "Morning," He say's, opening his brown eyes. "Hey," I say. "It's cold," He replies. "I had to give, one of the medic's, something," I lie. "You, forgot to close the door?" He smirks. I brush out his hair, I attempt to get up, but he pulls me back, "Not yet," He tells me. "Elvis, Charlie's almost ready," I say. "He'll be fuming, we already slept in." He run's a hand through, his hair. 

"Fine," He say's. I grin at my win, I grab my cargo pants and throw on an army green shirt, along with my dog tags. Elvis, still shirtless, unsure what to do with himself. I throw him his towel, "Saying I smell?" He pouts back, "Charlie's already, been down to the shower," I remind him. "Outdoor shower, fine, don't leave me," 

"I'm hungry, Elvis, I'll be in the cafeteria, besides it won't make it obvious, I stayed here last night." He smirks, in defeat. "Fine," He says, brushing a hand around my neck before we both leave, the tent. We kiss, once before heading our separate way's. 

"What took you so long, graduate?" Maisie asks me, as I enter the cafeteria. "Your meant, to be looking after me, so I heard, which means you were meant, to be here early." "Maisie, you can sacrifice your own breakfast. I think," I say, filling up my plate and toast. "No worries," Maisie grins downing a drink, she made earlier. 

"Where is he then," She nod's, "At the outdoor shower, why," I say. "I saw you two, outside the tent," I crane my neck. "How?" She smiles, "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me, we live opposite." I shake my head.

I make my way, back to the table, with Maisie talking my head off, I play with my toast, staring at the door, before Elvis, finally walks in. He walks in tall, his hair washed, as he heads to plate, Charlie not far behind him. "Miss me?" He asks. 

"It was 30 seconds to long," I inform him. I smile as he hand's me a piece of his toast, Maisie looks down at her phone keeping quiet. "We have a new medic joining us," Charlie sit's down, "Who?" I ask confused, forgetting about the new women in the tent from earlier. "Georgie Lane," He say's. 

Elvis sends me a pout from across the table, I toss a pack of butter, across the table at him, but it misses and lands next to Charlie on the table. "Corporal Emma, are you paying attention, to anything I'm saying?" "Georgie Lane, yes sir!" I respond, Maisie walks up behind Elvis, from noticing my plan of attack, she puts a finger to her mouth as she walks up behind Elvis. 

I glance at Maisie and grin before, Elvis turns but before he can, Maisie sends, cold ice water down the back of Elvis and his shirt. Elvis groans, before turning around to Maisie but she's run halfway out of the cafeteria, causing me to fall into laughter. 

"Maisie Williams, Emma Claire,  your first rule of thumb, how about, stripping the Corporal in the first week, Emma? Failure, to watching over a medic soldier," "Thank you, Charlie, I can handle them," Elvis responds, soaked in his uniform, as he runs over the engulf me in a wet hug, I scream, the rest of the cafeteria has now got our attention. 

Elvis moves, his wet hand's around my waist, "I will get you back, for this," He say's. "Might want another, hot shower, before training Elvis," I say and he kisses me from behind, before letting me go, " Just then Georgie, walks in on us, greeted by Elvis soaked, in water and my hair now wet, from Elvis and his uniform, his hair is wet to. "Had shower in, your uniform, this morning, Elvis?" Elvis pulls a defeated look. "Long time, no see Lane," He comment's. 

I raise an eyebrow, "You know each other?" "Acquaintances, on a tour in Afghanistan," He responds quickly. I nod at Georgie, before she smiles at me, "I'll see you in the medic room, we have new boxes that need unboxing of supplies, grab Maisie to, when she's finished, attacking the boy's," "Wasn't just me then," I hold back, laughter in front of Elvis, who is not amused. "I will go get changed, I'm sure Charlie, will make me do another lap, for this," He holds, me one last time, before the sound of his drenched shoes, walk out the building. 

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