All is Well in the World

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"Hold on Georgie, the basket was half empty," Maisie speaks clearly, in my head, I'm scared about baby news. "Emma, you've missed count again, what's wrong?" Georgie shoves the box, back in front of me. "Georgie I need air," I tell her. "Your not allowed, Elvis gave me orders," She said. 

"Well I need a window," I say walking over to the, far end of the room, "Back bathroom, for emergency," She say's throwing me, a key. "Don't be long," She orders to me. I salute and walk, to the opposite end of the room, down a dark little corridor with window's aligning the building. 

Much like the hospital ward, letting in enough daylight. I walk down to the bottom, to open the locked door. Inside, it's a whole, I sigh, this was one of the only times, that I missed Manchester and home. 

I pull out my phone a message, from Elvis, "Georgie, said don't be long."  I look up at the ceiling and send him a selfie. He likes back my message, before I close my phone, I check a message from my brother.

"You should be careful, with Elvis." I raise an eyebrow and look up at the ceiling. It's fine when he get's girlfriend's, but as soon as I am with someone, he watches and screenshot's things, to send to my parents. This was what I liked about, the army, being here with a family, that didn't do that, I didn't do it to him. I shake my head and ignore his new post, on social media with his girlfriend.

I text Elvis back instead, "I love you." He send's back, a shirtless photo of himself, with Charlie behind him working with Monk one of the special army forces lad's.      I roll my eye's, "Your making me not think about my scan,"  Elvis replies back.

"Good, see you tonight." I laugh and put my phone away. I close my eye's and remember the past year's event's, Your not motivated, you should find somewhere else. Leave college, go join the army. 

In someway, the army was the reason why, I passed my certificates. I shake my head, remembering the words of my teachers. "Your a bright girl, but not motivated." I smile as I walk back through the corridor.    I had been through, so much.

Another Love, Captain Elvis Harte ♡Where stories live. Discover now