Taken Hostage

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Elvis ~ Emma

"You know something," Elvis hummed when looking back over his seat when the nurse left. "What's that?" I ask. "Your trouble," I look into his brown eyes, feeling lost and give him a pout. "Your evil," I say back with a laugh. "I was right though, everything would be ok, discharge in the morning," 

He nudges me. I roll my eyes, "A warning sign of a burst appendix, is excruciating with you around." "Ouch," He replies, pulling out his phone. "Who are you calling?" "Charlie, to get our thing's," He say's. "Then your brother," "Oh god no, don't tell him." I laugh. 

"Hello Elvis Harte," Elvis smiles at me, while on the phone. I swipe him a kiss, he catches with one hand. "Brain's what are you doing, with Charlie's phone?" Elvis ask's me, making my tummy churn slightly. 

"Your on cord Elvis, we had to leave base camp," "For what?" Elvis ask's sternly. "It's better, that you and Emma stay in Manchester, it's safer, as far as we know, for this mission, Charlie think's Emma's in danger, Maisie and Monk have been taken hostage," 

Elvis stares at me. My heart beginning to fear the worst. "I'll get Georgie, to call you to explain more." He say's, I can hear through the speaker, then the handset changes. "Georgie what the heck is going on?" Elvis comment's. 

"Maisie was taken out, of your tent last night, the boy's are driving they think, they've located them but it doesn't look good, stay in Manchester, it's better for you Elvis and the little one," "Emma's not pregnant, it was the appendix," 

Elvis cranes his head up to the ceiling. "Your present is with Charlie, Maisie found it, I'll send you your clothes tonight, your not coming back Elvis, it's to dangerous." I can hear Georgie's, panicked voice, from where I'm sat. 

Elvis look's, defeated when he finishes up the conversation, turning off his phone. "Back to Mum's," I say with a worried look. Elvis nod's, I take a hand to his cheek, with a kiss, "Don't worry, Charlie's onto it," I remind him, touching his nose. "

We leave early the next morning, when I can walk out of the hospital and phone my brother. "What's up, aren't you at the airport?" "Georgie, the head of office rang from Afghan, it's not safe to be back," 

I explain as brief as possible, not telling him I could be the one who is dangerous. "Ok I'll leave the door open at Mum's, she doesn't know about Elvis?" "No don't tell her, she'll freak, she think's I'm at the hospital, by myself." 

Bringing a boy home, was never daunting to me, actually I found it rather amusing. My brother, had always got away, with those types of thing's, but when it came to me, my luck went out the window. 

My Dad would be furious, he might be ok with Elvis home, but honestly right now, in Afghan I couldn't care less, I could only think, I put Maisie in danger by leaving, they thought she was me. 

I can feel Elvis carry me to the door, I'm half asleep, I wrap my arms around him. "Hey gorgeous," He say's to me, seeing if I'm awake, "He nuzzles me, I've never seen him so tired. 

We kiss, then the door opens, but I shut my eye's resting on his neck. "Hi," Elvis say's, "Drop me Elvis," I say. He let's me get down and I introduce him, to my brother. 

"Elvis, Jamie, Jamie this is Elvis," My brother nod's. "Nice to have a face to a name, I've seen photos, but in person." Elvis nod's, taking my hand. "Likewise," "Food is on the table, for you both." He say's. "Thank you," Elvis say's as I shut the door. We move inside I see my Mum's, look of shock as I walk in with Elvis. "I dare believe it Claire," She say's standing up. 

I try not to roll my eye's, "Mum, I met Elvis in the special forces, Elvis, Mum, I'm going for food." I say interrupting midway a hug. "She hasn't eaten, like me since the scan," "Ah right, so what happened to Afghanistan?" Mum ask's. "Charlie and Georgie, said we could have time off," I lied, not wanting to make matters worse. 

Another Love, Captain Elvis Harte ♡حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن