Back at the classroom we get the toilet paper and stickers to continue the mess. We meet up with Nat, Wanda and Nat and decide to head into the same direction. Looking at the labyrinth-like-mess we created, I suggest running over the playground outside so we don't have to climb through the hallways. Liv purses her lips in thought and arguments that it's raining outside. I shrug it off and tell her that we'll be quick and she slowly nods, eying the glass door critically.

Kelly pulls out her phone because she wants to make a story for her social media account while I walk towards the door. I open it and am greeted with a very strong wind that almost rips the door open. Taking a step outside to pull the door close again, the wind pushes the door further open. It's very strong and with the slippery ground I can't keep my balance and trip.
Slight pain shoots through my leg from my knee but I quickly get up and pull the door closed.

Nat runs to me and scans my face to make sure I'm okay. I nod and she can't hold it any longer and starts to laugh. The others already laughing their asses off while I join in and shake my head over my own stupidity.

"I got it all on camera." Kelly laughs and leans on her knees.
We calm down again and Nat's eyes scan my body again.
"Everything alright?" She asks, concerned again.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Apart from my knee hurting and my butt being wet now." I lightly complain and feel the wet stain on my pants. Why did I thought it was smart to go outside?

Nat nods and turns me around to look at it. She bites her lip to hide a grin.
"It's not that visible, you should be good. And if it's bothering you too much, you can change into your pyjama pants." She offers and I smile at her in thanks.

Liv comes to me, still chuckling. "I told you not to go outside."
"Oh, shut up." I reply with a playful eyeroll.
"It sure looked funny as hell though." Kelly joins the conversation and grins at her phone.
"I'm glad I could entertain you." I say sarcastically but grin along.

We split up again, wrapping toilet paper around the railing of the stairs. Looking up, we see the other's haven't been lazy and already made such a mess that going upstairs will be hard. So we decide to stay on our level and use the stickers to pin the toilet paper against the walls.

It gets messy pretty fast and thinking about we have to clean it all up tomorrow isn't a lot of fun so I ignore that.
I look around the little hallway and think about what to do with my left over role of toilet paper.

Liv comes over to me and puts a sticker on my shirt.
"There you go." She says and grins.
"At least I'm not as big a mess as this hallway." I smirk and see her eyes light up.
She takes my role of toilet paper and starts to wrap it around myleg. I laugh at her action and let her do until both my legs and my stomach are wrapped in toilet paper.
She looks at me satisfied and we hear a laugh from behind us. Kelly walks over at us and shakes her head at our goofing around before she starts wrapping up the rest of me with her toilet paper.

Soon enough I'm all wrapped up and only have small slices to look. They place stickers on my body to make the toilet paper stay and look proudly at their work.
"You can breathe?" Kelly checks and I nod, breathing in and out a few times.
It's hard to contain my giggles when a few students look at me confused when we walk back to the classroom with our stuff.

We ordered pizza for everyone and it'll arrive soon, so we're getting everything ready.
"What happened?" I hear a very familiar voice and turn around to look at a laughing Natasha. Her face is amused and she looks me up and down. I join in and explain that we took the messing up a little further. She shakes her head and pulls me into a hug.

During the further preparations I get a lot of funny looks and it's entertaining to watch people laugh about my appearance and it's totally worth it. But I take it off before we start to eat because that would have been difficult.

Looking at the clock, I notice that it got late and we already have 9 pm. We only have two more things planned today before we head to the gym to sleep. One being messing up the entrance area where we all had to walk through up to now and the other being making a test run through the event we have planned for tomorrow.

The messing up after we finished eating is done quickly and we head to the gym where we built up a stage. They check the lights and microphones while we goof around and take some more pictures.

The test run takes longer than expected and with the lights dimmed, I start to get sleepy. I sit on the edge of the stage and just stare into nothingness. My staring gets interrupted when I feel a pair of hands on my knees and focus my eyes on my girlfriend. She smiles up at me and I smile tiredly back.

"Exhausted?" She asks and brushes some hair out of my face. I just nod and pull her closer to me. She hugs around my waist and I lean my head against her shoulder, feeling the exhaustion of the day washing over me.
"We're done soon and then we can make our bed and go to sleep." She whispers and rubs my back. Somehow she manages to have enough energy for these kind of days and I am very impressed about that. She stays in her position and lets me cuddle into her while I listen to the people on the stage.

When we're finally done, we quickly blow up out air-matrasses and head to the bathroom to change.
Nat and I share a double matrass and I cuddle into her as soon as we lay down.She hugs me and I lay my head on her chest. It's still a little loud in the gym due to the other students but I soon pass out from exhaustion and fall asleep.

The next morning is hard because none of us got enough sleep. It's quieter and everyone just gets ready. We pack up our stuff and head back to the one classroom we didn't mess up to eat breakfast. My energy slowly comes back, other than Nats who still seems to be half asleep. I keep her close and let her be clingy to me. It's adorable when she's like this.

We prepare the last few things and the spirit rises noticeably.
The event, which is kind of a huge gameshow where we play against the teachers, is great and we cheer a lot and laugh.

After that we clean up the mess we made yesterday since it would be unfair to leave that to the other students. We get some fries because everyone is hungry and eat them while waiting for the principal to get our formal sheets ready.

One by one goes in and we cheer when we get the official permission to take our final exams. I pull Nat into a happy kiss which she returns equally as happy.

The last thing we do before we officially leave the school is something we have to do outside.
We got color-powder to throw up into the air and at each other. The music plays and we all get two colors each and get into position. We all count down from ten and at zero, we throw the powder into the air.
My stomach fills with joy and I laugh when Nat throws her red powder at me. I cover her in my purple one and she chases me around until her colors are empty.

We take a lot of pictures until it's time to head home.
I take a last look at the school building, fully realizing that that's it. Only my final exams and I'm done with school. That's unbelievable, amazing and scary at the same time. After this I will go to college or get a job, everything will change.

I feel a hand slip into mine and look at a in colors covered Natasha. Maybe not everything will change, some things will stay the same.
And with that thought I turn around and we head home, away from school for the last time. 

A/n: Funfact: That's based on a true story, apart from the fact that no one caught on camera how I slipped and I don't have a girlfriend.

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