Disney Movies

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"Ready?" My girlfriend asks. I nod excitedly and smile brightly.
It's Saturday night and we finally have our Disney marathon.
I looked forward to this night a while now. I'm kinda obsessed with Disney movies, they are just so happy, joyful and make my day better.
I am aware of the fact that it's not the real world but sometimes it's just nice to dive into a fairytale world and pretend like there are fairies, spells, princesses and singing always solves the problem. 

Some may call it childish but Natasha doesn't, she adores me for my love for those movies.
I know she secretly loves them too.
Maybe not as much as I do but she most certainly likes to watch them with me.
She's always so patient and doesn't judge me when I get emotional or overly excited because of a movie.
That's one of the traits I love most about her because I've met quite a lot of people who think it's dumb, childish and naïve to watch those movies. But she doesn't, she always smiles when she catches me singing to the songs and perform them. 

Her eyes are soft as she looks at me and starts the first movie. We decided to make a Disney marathon as our special date night this month.
We've been together for almost two years now and once a month we have a date night, just the two of us, spending time together, away from the daily life and our phones. It's to connect again and just concentrate on us. 

After last month's rock-climbing, we wanted to do something calm and relaxed.
She came up with the movie marathon and I picked Disney as a theme.
Together we picked out four movies we want to watch. That's quite a lot but we wanted to make sure we had enough and three just didn't feel right. 

The first one is "Arielle", second "Tangled", third "Lion King" and fourth "Sleeping Beauty". 

In my hands is a bowl with popcorn and I sit between her legs, leaning against her and watching the TV.
One of her hands is placed on my stomach while the other picks up the popcorn. I can feel her eyes on me and look up, to meet them.
She looks genuinely happy and kisses my forehead while the Disney castle vanishes from the screen. I smile happily at her before I look back at the screen. 

While the movie plays, we eat the popcorn, stopping occasionally when a song comes on that I need to sing along to. Since she's not such a huge fan as me, she doesn't know every song but the most known.
I wiggle along the music of "part of your world" and hum the melody.
A small laugh tells me that she watches me, enjoying the film.
I feel safe enough around her to let out my inner child that loves those movies and can't sit still and I appreciate that so much.

I'm so caught up in the movie that I almost don't notice how she gently brushes my arms up and down. She often does this when we watch something, it's almost a reflex she told me one time.
I don't mind, in fact I actually love it because it comforts me and gives me the feeling of being cared for.

The first movie comes to an end and Nat carefully wipes away a few of my tears.
"You're adorable, Baby." Her voice is soft and full of love.
A smile forms on my lips and I kiss her hand. She cups my cheek and presses the button to start the second movie. 

"Tangled" is one of our favorites and after the first song we're completely caught up in the plot. We laugh together at the funny scenes until the best part comes on: "I see the light".
We've heard that song so often and it's automatically that we sing it as a duet. We never really talked about it, it just happened and I love it.

The popcorn is gone after the second film and I put the bowl on the sideboard. Still motivated Nat starts the third movie.
I love her for doing this with me, it means incredibly much to me.
Not just that she watches the movies with me and let's me sing along and be myself but also the fact that she doesn't play on her phone while watching. It just builds up a deeper connection I can barely describe except for the fact that it's beautiful and valued.

"Lion King" always has me in tears and I burry my face in her arms. I look up at her to see I'm not the only one crying. I wipe away a tear and smile at her. She responds with a smile and hugs me tighter. 

After the third movie we make a little break because our stomachs were quite loud and we're both hungry.
After a quick check I see that it's almost midnight and since none of us is motivated to cook something, we decide to go through a drive-through. 

I sit in the passenger's seat and watch her turn into the entry.
She drives up to the speaker and after a few seconds we hear a voice welcoming us and asking for our order.
Since we talked about what we wanted before, she orders for the both of us.
Due to the time, there's just one person in front of us and we soon have our food. 

We stay on the parking lot and I connect my phone with the speakers while she pulls the food out of the bag.
A grin sneaks on my lips as the first notes of "Let it go" come out of the speakers.
She just smiles and keeps getting the food out.
Just for that she gets a lot of credit from me because most of the people probably would at least role their eyes or make a comment but she doesn't, she just loves me for who I am and respects what I like. 

I pick up the nuggets and dunk them in the sauce, waiting until she does the same and we nudge them together before eating them.
Before I pick up a second one I have my moment, singing the lyrics and putting on a little show as good as possible in the car. She laughs happily and joins in.

It takes us a while because right after "Let it go", "A whole new world" comes on and of course we have to perform that too, again singing it as a duet.

I think I've almost never were happier than in this exact moment, just sitting in the car at night with my girlfriend, eating take away and singing and dancing to Disney songs.
I just wish this moment could last forever but since it can't, I just enjoy it with all my heart and watch her dance a little. 

At some point all the food is gone and we make our way back home.
Since it's quite late by now, we get into our pyjamas and cuddle up in bed, placing the laptop in the middle.
I listen to her heartbeat while I watch Aurora fall asleep and yawn.
It was such a beautiful and magical night and I loved every second of it.

My eyes are getting heavy and it gets hard, keeping them open.
I cuddle more into her and breathe in her smell that just smells like home.
Her arms wrap around me even closer and she kisses my hair gently.
I fall in and out of seconds of sleeping until I finally drift off to sleep.
Those are the nights I will never forget and that I'll cherish forever.

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