Just dance

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POV y/n 

I grab my headphones and go into the kitchen to do the dishes.
Natasha has to work late tonight so I made dinner and put her some in the fridge so she can eat it later.

My motivation is somewhere else but not with me so I stare at the dishes for a few seconds, hoping they would just wash themselves and go back to their place in our kitchen.
But sadly they don't.
I let water run into the sink and wait for it to fill up while I pick out a playlist to listen to. 

We also have speakers but I feel bad when I turn the music to loud because I don't want to disturb the neighbors.
That's why I wear my headphones when my girlfriend isn't home and I want to listen to loud music.
I grab the first plate and start to clean it. The water is nicely warm and I enjoy warming my hands a little. 

The beat drops in the song I'm currently listening to and I start to swing my hips a little while humming the lyrics.
Chores are way more enjoyable when you're listening to music, it's almost fun.
Slowly each plate and bowl makes its way over to the clean side of the sink. I'd probably be faster if I didn't stop and dance a little all the time but I enjoy myself and that can never be wrong.

A while later everything is cleaned and put away but I'm not ready to stop my music because I got in that vibe where you just wanna dance and have fun.
I love this mood, it's always so fun and makes me so happy.
I make my way through the kitchen, occasionally stopping and dancing, and into the living room. Here is the most space so I can move and run around as much as I want.

POV Natasha

I close the door behind me and listen to know where y/n is. When I last checked the clock, it was 10 pm. She probably is laying in bed already or is watching something in the living room.
I can see light coming from the living room so she's probably in there.
It confuses me a little that there aren't any other noises because I would have bet she's watching TV.
As I lay eyes on her I can't help it but to smile widely. She's dancing around the room, facing the other direction.

She has those moments where she just loves to sing and dance, not caring what others might think and I love that about her.
She told me once that she has imagines in her head when she does her performances.
It depends on the song. Sometimes it's a story or a dance to the song or she just sings the lyrics and pretends to be in front of a crowd.
It's the most adorable thing watching her like this, fully caught up in the moment and not caring about anyone's judgement.

I lean against the doorframe and watch as she moves her hips along with the beat I can't hear. Her dancing is so different to when we're around other people.
When we're on one of Tony's parties, her dancing is more reserved and shyer. But when she's alone or just with me, she lets out everything and it's the cutest thing I've ever seen.
She's fully happy and doesn't care about what other people think, completely free and caught in the music.

For a few seconds she stays still until the next song comes on because her movements are different now.
My eyes follow her butt as she almost twerks and goes deeper. Depending on the song she gets those confident boosts and it's extremely sexy.
It's not like she isn't sexy otherwise, it's just a different kind.
Usually she is my adorable, cuddly girlfriend but with the right song she becomes confident and more dominant.

POV y/n 

I'm fully invested into the song, moving my body however I feel like. Around other people I'm more self-conscious because I'm not that good at dancing and feel like I look dumb or ridiculous. But when I'm alone I don't have to worry about this and can just let myself go. 

I turn around with a beat to continue to dance as I notice Natasha standing in the doorframe, smiling at me. I jump and pull my headphones from my head.
"Gosh, Tasha! You scared me."
I put my hand over my heart dramatically and stop the music on my phone.
Her smile grows a little wider and she comes towards me, opening her arms to pull me into a warm hug.
"For how long did you stay there?" I ask as we pull away a little.
"A few minutes, I think." She shrugs and wraps her arms around my waist.
I feel heat shooting into my cheeks.
"So you saw..." I don't finish the sentence but she knows what I mean and nods. 

"I saw you dancing and I can assure you, that it's more than cute and doesn't look bad at all." Her green eyes are warm and hold a lot of love in them. I nod slowly and scrunch my nose a little which makes her chuckle and kiss my nose.

"Did you also see...me dancing to 'Low'?"
"I was wondering which song it was." She smirks and pulls me a little closer.
"It was hot, baby. Really. I almost wished that the song had been on repeat."
Her eyes darken a little and I bite my lip, which she notices.
"You weren't supposed to see it..."

My cheeks are blushed because I am a little self-conscious about my body and have a hard time understanding how other people could find it attractive.
"Don't worry, baby. It looked good, I promise." She pulls me into a kiss that quickly turns passionate.
"So it turned you on?" I whisper against her lips and smirk a little.
Her eyes lock with mine and I can read the answer in them.
She knows that I know and pulls me closer again, connection our lips.
Her hands wander down my body a little more until they reach my thighs and she lifts me up.
My legs wrap around her waist automatically and she carries me to our bedroom, not letting go of my lips.

Natasha Romanoff One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora