Midnight baking

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Pov y/n

It's currently around 11 pm and Nat and I are in the kitchen, wearing our pyjamas and giggling.
We're baking cookies because I was craving homemade cookies and Nat said she'd make me some. Of course I followed her when she got out of bed, curious if she really meant it and she did.
I sat on the kitchen counter, watching as she got out all of the ingredients.
It's funny to watch her because it's obvious that she isn't very skilled in the kitchen.
There's nothing wrong with it and she doesn't need to because Wanda always cooks for us.
Nat can do a great peanut butter and jelly sandwich but that's basically it, which makes it pretty entertaining to watch her because it's adorable.

She's currently looking for the flour and opens every drawer and cabinet. When she doesn't find it, she turns to look at me.
"I'm sorry, detka (doll), it seems like we're out of flour...why are you smirking like this?"
She comes closer and puts her hands on my knees, looking into my eyes.
I just tap the cabinet behind my head and her eyes follow my hand.
"Is the flour in there? Did you know the whole time and let me search the entire kitchen?"
She makes eye contact and I nod and scrunch my nose a little. A smirk grows on her lips and she kisses my nose and shakes her head in disbelief. 

"Would you mind scootching over a little so I can get the flour?"
"What do I get in return?"
I shake my head. "Not enough."
Nat thinks for a few seconds before she lovingly kisses my lips.
"Better." I nod with a smile and scootch aside so she can get the flour.
She takes it and measures it before she puts it in the bowl with the rest of the ingredients.
My eyes follow her movements and recognize fast that she poured some flour into her hand.

I quickly jump off the counter and run in an attempt to flee.
But I underrated my assassin girlfriend who obviously recognized my movements and turns around and takes after me, not leaving me a lot of a head start.
She chases me around the kitchen isle a few times and gets closer with each round until she catches me and wraps the flour free hand around my waist and pulls me into her.
I squeal and giggle while I try to catch my breath.
Due to her training, Nat isn't out of breath at all and smirks at me before she trickles the flour onto me.
I scrunch my nose a little and hide my face in her neck.
My body automatically relaxes as I take in her smell and her second arm wraps around me too. 

"Revenge for making me search the whole kitchen." She says and kisses my forehead as I look at her and we gaze into each other's eyes for a while, getting lost in the moment.
"Fair enough." I reply after we break the eye contact and go back to sit on the counter again.
We grin at each other while Nat puts the flour back into the cabinet.
She stirs the dough and looks at it critical.
I jump off the counter again and hug her from behind, looking over her shoulder into the bowl.
"Looks good."
She shakes her head while she's in thoughts. "Something is missing..."
I look at the dough again and kiss the side of her neck softly and whisper: "Chocolate chips?"
"That's it! I knew there was something I forgot."

Before she has to open every cabinet again, I go to the one where the sweets are in and hand her the chocolate chips.
She pours them into the bowl and mixes them with the dough while I get the baking tray ready. We form little balls and put them on the tray.
While she's turned around, I snatch a ball and put it into my mouth, enjoying the taste of the dough.
"Did you just steal some of the dough?" She raises an eyebrow at me and I grin innocently.
"You did, right?"
Her expression softens as I nod. She chuckles. "Couldn't wait until they were done?"
My mouth still stuffed I shake my head and mumble: "No, I-."
She puts a finger over my mouth.
"Eat up before you speak or else I probably won't understand."
I teasingly roll my eyes at her, chew and swallow. 

"Such a mom." I tease and she sticks out her tongue at me while she finishes up the tray.
"I just like the dough, it's delicious."
"The finished cookies are equally good."
The questioning look on her face makes me smile a little and I grab another cookie-ball and hold it in front of her face.
"Try it."
"Just do it."
She takes a bite and I see her eyes grow big.
"I didn't know-"
I cut her off and tease: "Eat up before you speak."

"I didn't know it tasted this good." She says surprised after she swallowed.
"I know, right?" I smirk at her and get a kiss in return.
We put the cookies in the oven and I kneel down to watch the cookies bake.
When I hear light music, I look up at Nat who holds out a hand to me. I take it and let her pull me up.
She places her hands on my sides and I wrap mine around her neck and we start to sway slowly to the music.
We don't talk and just look at each other, enjoying the peaceful moment. 

She takes one of my hands from her neck and spins me around, catching me as I spin back.
Our dance continues, now a mix of swaying and spinning.
The next song comes on and it's even calmer than the previous one and our movements slow down even more and I rest my head on her shoulder, taking in her scent. It's sweet and somehow a mix of coconut and peaches. We stay like this for the rest of the song and she leans her head against mine.
I feel warm, safe and truly happy. My heart is filled with pure joy and I get lost in the moment.

The smell of cookies starts to fill the kitchen and after another two songs, we slowly let go of each other and Nat kisses me gentle but still passionate. I return the kiss the same way and love the feeling of her lips on mine.
When we need air, we pull away and rest our foreheads against each other, before we get the cookies out of the oven. They look amazing and I get excited, jumping up and down a little.
Nat has to hold me back before I pick one up from the hot tray.
She grabs a spatula and puts the cookies on a plate so they can cool of. 

While she does that, I get two glasses of milk and carry them to the sofa in the living area.
I put them on the little table and sit down on the sofa.
Nat comes in and places the plate next to the milk.
We each grab a cookie and take a bite. I smile widely at her, they taste great. She seems to be satisfied too and returns my smile.

Time is forgotten and we spent the night sitting on the sofa, eating fresh cookies, drinking milk and talking about random things.
I start to get tired and lean into Nat even more than I already am. My words start to get slurry and my eyelids are heavy.
The last thing I feel and hear is Nat kissing my cheek and wishing me a good night before I happily drift off to sleep. 

A/n: I feel like I wrote the word "dough" at least 10 times or so XD
Thanks for reading and love to you all. <3 
Also if you have any requests, I'm happy to hear them. 

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