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Pov y/n

I’m coming home exhausted. Work was a lot today and I’m glad to be home now and to see my wife.
She comes into the hallway as she hears me coming in. Her eyes scan my body and she bites her lip which looks pretty attractive.

“God, you look so hot in your uniform.” Her eyes lock with mine and she comes closer, wrapping her arms around my waist and pulling me a little closer.
“I didn’t want to get out of it at the station because I finally wanted to go home.” I explain and put my hands around her neck, pulling her face closer and kissing her soft lips.

“Hard day?” Her look softens and I nod.
“Two fires and a man that got stuck in a drain.”
I lean my forehead against Nat’s and enjoy the silence.

It's always busy in the station.
Don’t get me wrong, I love being a firefighter and my coworkers are great and we get along amazing but it’s exhausting on some days. Especially on busy days like today when we have multiple long calls.
I do like rescuing people and fighting fires and everything put not having a calm minute in a whole day, is hard.

But if I wasn’t a firefighter I might never have met my wife of now two years.
We met around five years ago when Nat and the other Avengers saved the city from some aliens and unintentionally destroyed quite a lot and set some fires. She came to us while we were extinguishing a fire and waited until we finished to apologize for making such a mess and thanking us for taking care of all the chaos.

The second I laid eyes on her, I was starting to crush on her. She looked so beautiful even though she had a few cuts and bruises.
I took her to our aid-car and cleaned them for her and made sure they were covered with band-aids.
She’s a superhero and probably could have done it herself but I wanted to be sure she’s okay. And I also wanted to spend more time with her.

We started talking and exchanged numbers. The next day we went on our first “date” which doesn’t really count as one since she just wanted to thank me for patching her up.
So she bought me a coffee and we walked around a park, just talking and occasionally gazing into each other’s eyes.
One thing lent to another and we started dating and got married after three years.
We moved in together and are living in our apartment ever since.

“You’re a hero, you know that?” She asks me quietly and I chuckle a little.
“You are a hero, I’m just a firefighter.” I reply and pull away a little to look into her beautiful green eyes.
“Yes, correct. And a firefighter is a hero. You save lives daily and make sure, the city doesn’t go up in flames. Without you, we’d all be screwed. So you are a hero.”
I smile at her words and kiss her again. “Thank you.”
“No, thank you for being a firefighter. And for coming home in your uniform.”

Her eyes wander down my body and stop at certain parts.
“I don’t know what it is but you look freaking hot in that thing. How do your coworkers get anything done with you looking like this?”
I laugh a little and cup her face.
“Because they aren’t my beautiful wife and know exactly that I would never go to bed with them. Besides, even if I would, they’d be afraid to get hunted down by you.”
I chuckle as she thinks about my words and furrows her eyebrow.
“You’re right. They better not think of you in that way or I will make sure they know who you belong to.”

Her eyes darken a little and I get little goosebumps.
“Yeah? And how would you do that?”
“Hmm, maybe tell them but that’s boring. I suppose some hickeys would do the job perfectly.”
She smirks and starts kissing my jaw. I let out a little sigh of enjoyment but stop her before she goes any further.
“I’m all sweaty and smell like smoke from the fire. And it’s also getting pretty warm in this uniform so maybe we continue this later?”

Nat pretends like she has to think about it but smiles at me and kisses my cheek. “Of course, my love. I’ll run you a bath while you get out of that hot uniform.”
She takes in my sight one last time before she lets go of me and goes to the bathroom, preparing the bathtub for me.
I get out of my cloths and put them in the laundry basket and choose a pyjama for tonight and go to the bathroom.
The tub is almost full and Nat added some bubbles which make me smile. She also prepared my towels for me.

I don’t know how I got so lucky to be her wife, she always takes such good care of me.
No matter if it’s because I had a hard day or have some mood swings or just have a bad day.

“You’re the best, do you know that?” I ask as I lay my arms around her from behind and kiss her cheek.
She blushes slightly, yes I can make Natasha Romanoff blush, but only when we’re alone.

“Mind if I join you?” She asks back and puts her hands over mine that are on her stomach.
“I’d love that.”

A few minutes later we sit in the bathtub, she behind me and I lean against her, playing with one of her hands and thinking about my day while she does the same and lets her free hand draw little shapes onto my side which makes me giggle from time to time.
It's a calm and nice atmosphere and I can feel myself getting tired.
Of course she notices and grabs the shampoo and the showerhead.
Slowly, carefully and lovingly she washes my hair and massages my head while shampooing my hair.
I relax completely into her touch and close my eyes for a few seconds.

After she washed it out I get out and wrap a towel around me, drying myself of and watching her climb out too and opening the drain for the water to run out.
Since she had her hair in a bun, it didn’t get wet and she didn’t had to wash it.

As soon as I’m dried of, I put my pyjamas on and wait for her to get ready too.
“You look cozy, baby.”
I nod and yawn a little which makes her smile.
Since it was a long shift today, I ate at the station and she also already had dinner so we can go to bed now.

We quickly brush our teeth before she leads me to our bedroom and sits on the bed, patting the space in front of her.
I follow her silent question and sit down in front of her, my back turned towards her.
She carefully takes the towel from my hair and brushes it out while humming a song.
I recognize it fast and chuckle, it’s our wedding song and of course I join in.

It’s those kind of moments that make me fall for her all over again.
When she’s done brushing my hair, she braids it.
I love the feeling of her hands in my hair because it makes me feel so loved and cared for.
It also makes me even more sleepy and I lean back a little more, not thinking about the fact that it makes it harder for her but she doesn’t complain and finishes it.
“All done.”
She kisses the back of my neck which makes me shiver a little because it’s one of my sweet spots.

“Let’s get you into bed, my little hero.”
She pulls down the blanket, lays down and opens her arms for me.
I cuddle into her, my head on her chest so I can listen to her heartbeat because it always calms me down and makes me fall asleep fast.
“Good night and sweet dreams.”
She kisses my hair before I peacefully drift off to sleep.

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