Throuple (Nat and Wanda)

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A/n: Idk, I just wanted to try it. I'm not sure if I like it so if you do, maybe leave a comment so I know if I should write something like this again. 

Warnings: slight injury 

Pov y/n

I groan when the air gets pressed out of my body as I hit the floor. My arms lay next to me and my left elbow hurts a little from the harsh fall.
I'm currently training with Nat and have to admit once again that she is better at fighting than I am.
She stands above me and smirks a little.
"So much about you beating me this time." She teases and I stick out my tongue at her, to exhausted to do anything else. It was a long fight and we both took some punches but she still has the upper hand in this.

She reaches out her hand to me to help me up. I take the offer and groan again because my back hurts while standing up.
"Are you okay, baby?" I hear Wanda's worried voice from outside the ring. She doesn't like to fight herself but she likes to watch us, mainly to make sure I'm okay. She knows as well as we do, that Nat is better in this and worries that we might take it a little too far and get hurt.
Well, mostly watching out for me to not get hurt, Nat usually doesn't get hurt.

"I'm okay." I let her know and make eye contact with Nat. She knows exactly what I want but shakes her head.
"We're not going another round, honey. The last fight was exhausting and you hit the floor pretty hard." She argues and I roll my eyes and pout. They sometimes can be such a buzzkill.

Both take great care of me and I really appreciate it since I tend to go over my head and overdo myself. But both of my girlfriends know where to stop me so it doesn't get too much.
We've been together a little over a year now and it was the best year in my life. It wasn't always easy to work out a relationship containing three people but we made it work. And I'm so glad about that because I love them both with my whole heart and wouldn't be able to choose.
They also started to develop feelings for each other but their relationship is a bit more teasing and competitive. Especially when it comes to me because they are both a bit possessive. They love each other though.

I crawl out of the ring and Wanda hands me my water bottle to drink something which I really appreciate. Her eyes scan over my body like they always do after a fight.
"Does anything hurt?" She asks while Nat takes her bottle and drinks as well.
"Just my back a little but that'll go away soon." I answer and her eyes shoot to Nat.
"That was a hard slam indeed. Did you have to be this harsh?" She lightly scolds Nat, who crosses her arms defensively.
"She was holding me in a tight grip. What was I supposed to do?" She asks back and narrows her eyes a little.
"Be careful with our baby?!" Wanda shoots back and I sigh a little, stepping between them.
Sometimes they are like little kids when it comes to fighting but they always calm down and hug each other afterwards.
I turn to Wanda and take her hands in mine.
"I'm fine, don't worry about it. The throw wasn't that hard and the ground is soft, it will stop hurting soon." I reassure her and she stops glaring at our girlfriend and focusses her eyes on me. She takes a breath and nods, a small smile appearing on her face.
"You're right. I'm sorry, sweetheart." She addresses at Nat who comes closer and kisses Wanda's temple, showing her she accepted the apology.
I smile at their interaction and lean my head against Wanda's shoulder when she pulls me in for a soft hug. Nat's arms wrap around the both of us and I just enjoy being embraced by my girlfriends.

We pull away after a little while because Nat and I are both sweaty and we head upstairs to take a shower.
"I call dips!" Wanda says quickly and Nat pouts a little.
"Not fair!"
"It is! You had her last time." Wanda states and takes my hand.
I shake my head while they discuss this further.
Our shower isn't big enough to fit the three of us so only two can shower together. They love showering with me because it almost always gets a little steamy and they just love it.
Wanda smiles happily when Nat stops arguing and pouts.
I pull Nat to me to peck her lips until the pout is gone and she smiles at me and plays with my hair.

Wanda gets our pjyamas ready for after the shower, since it's gotten a bit late. Nat's eyes lock with mine and grow a shade darker when she says the next words.
"Then I'll do you afterwards."
My cheeks blush a little but I nod and bite my lip. Wanda turns around to us.
"I wanna fuck her later, too." She states and Nat turns her head to look at Wanda.
"You get her in the shower."
"So? Can't I make her cum two times?"
"Only if I can do it three times."
They glare at each other until they silently agree on it and turn their heads back to me.

"Why so blushed, babygirl?" Nat teases and smirks a little.
"Nothing, just the thought of five rounds..." I explain and bite my lip.
"We can do more if you want." Nat says directly, still a smirk on her face.
"Nope. Not tonight. We have plans tomorrow and she needs to be able to walk for them." Wanda buts in and I'm a little relieved about that because I'm a bit exhausted from training and sex isn't gonna help with that.
Nat sighs but agrees and goes to take her shower. Wanda and I talk while Nat's showering and when she comes back in just a towel, I let my eyes scan her body.
"You are hot." I compliment and Nat winks at me before we get into the bathroom.

Wanda gets in first and waits for me to join her. Her eyes linger on my body and she licks her lip before she places her hands on my hips to pull me in for a kiss. I kiss back and we slowly back under the water.
The warm water feels good on my skin and I relax. Wanda seems to notice and smiles into the kiss. Her lips leave mine and kiss down my jaw until they reach my neck. She starts sucking as soon as she finds my pulse point and I sigh at the feeling. Her teeth bite lightly into my skin while she keeps sucking and I moan lowly. When she is done, she licks over the hickey to ease the pain a little and smiles proudly.
"Mine." She whispers and a slight shiver runs down my body.

Our lips melt together again and her hands wrap around my back to pull me closer but I hiss at the pain that shoots through my lower back and she stops immediately.
"What's wrong, baby?" She asks worried and I wave it off but she glares at me until I give in and mumble: "My back still hurts."
"Let me take a look at it." She demands softly and I sigh and turn around, knowing it wouldn't make any sense to argue about it now.
A little noise comes from her.
"I'm gonna kill Romanoff." She grinds and I turn around quickly to look at her.
"No, don't. I'm okay, really. It's not that bad." I assure her but she shakes her head.
"It looks pretty bad. We will take care of that but first we get you clean." She decides and grabs the shampoo. The fact that she said 'we' calms me down a little because it shows that she isn't too angry with Nat.

The shower ends quickly after she massaged the shampoo and conditioner into my hair. We get out and wrap ourselves into towels. Nat lays on our bed and is on her phone but puts it aside as we walk in. She raises an eyebrow at us.
"That was a little quick..." She notices confused.
Wanda shoots her a look which confuses her even more while she gets dressed quickly. I go to get dressed as well but Wanda shakes her head.
"We're gonna take a better look at your back so maybe get on some panties and then get your cute butt on the bed."
I sigh and follow her orders but let the towel wrapped around me, worried to get the bed wet. Nat still looks confused and takes my hand when I sit next to her.

"What's wrong with her back?" She asks and earns a glare from Wanda.
"You'll see. Baby, please take of the towel and lay on your stomach." The last sentence was directed at me and I sigh and follow her instructions. I know they only mean well but it doesn't hurt too bad.
Nat gasps a little at whatever she sees and I prop myself up on my elbows.
"What happened?" Nat asks and traces something on my back. I get slight chills from that feeling.
"Your slam apparently was a bit harder than you thought." Wanda says worried and sits down on my other side.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Nat apologizes and I take her hand and tell her it's okay and that it's not a big deal.

"We should cool it and she should rest." Nat suggests and Wanda agrees and while Nat gets the things, Wanda tells me that there is a big bruise on my lower back.
She also gives me a shirt to put on and pushes it up a bit so they can take care of me.
I role my eyes, a little annoyed because it really doesn't hurt too much. Nat comes back quickly and they put ice on my back.
Nat's hand rests on my butt after she put the ice on.
"You know, you look kind of hot in this position." She says and I hear the smirk in her voice.
"Well, not the first time you see me like this." I tease back a little and feel Nat's hand wander down my thigh and bite my lip to not let out a noise.

"Stop it, you two!" Wanda scolds.
"Why? You stopped in the shower so let her do this." I plead a little.
"No! No sex for you until your back looks a bit better." She says in a stern voice and I pout.
"That's not fair." Nat complains and I agree.
"I don't care. We don't want to make it worse or anything." Wanda explains, now a bit more soft and short after I feel a light kiss on my back over the ice pack.
"As soon as you're better, we'll make up for it." She promises and I pout but don't argue, she just wants me to be comfortable.

We spend the rest of the night carefully cuddling so my back doesn't hurt too much and watch a movie. I fall asleep while I'm cuddled into Nat with Wanda behind me an arm around me and tracing patterns onto my shoulders.
The last though I have before I drift off to sleep is: I love them both so much.   

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