Graduation prank

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TW: Very short mentioning of pain

AU where Nat and y/n are around 18 and in school together.

Pov y/n

I'm driving to school, my backpack full with things I need for a sleepover. Tomorrow is our last day of school. We will get an information sheet that tells us if we're allowed to take the final exams in about a month. Until then we won't have to go to school, we will need the time to study.

It's a tradition for the students who graduate to pull a prank on the school, which usually contains out of making a mess in school and hosting an event Friday in the first few periods.
I'm excited for this because I think it will be a lot of fun. We decided to sleep over in school, in our gym, because we will finish late and start early tomorrow. 

I arrive at school and already see some of my classmates walking into the building, I follow them and we settle in an empty classroom.
More and more students arrive and I'm looking out for my friends and my girlfriend. When she arrives, my face lights up and I run up to her to help her carry her bag. She beams at me and pulls me into a tight hug. I squeeze her and lean my head back to kiss her.

"God, you saw each other three hours ago." I hear a teasing voice and we pull away. Wanda shakes her head at us with a grin.
"Three hours can be quite long." Nat snaps back with a grin and wraps her arms around me after I turned around to face Wanda.
"Exactly, and besides you would be the same if Vision would go to our school." I tease her back. As an reply Wanda sticks her tongue out at me and goes to greet her other friends.

"Did you pack everything?" I ask Nat and lean into her a little more. She nods and asks me the same, which I reply to with a yes. She lets go of me to bring her bag next to mine and sits on the table. I follow her but when two of my friends walk in, I walk towards them, hugging them.
We chat while going back to my stuff and wait for the rest of the classmates to arrive.

When everyone is here, the students who organized this prank speak up and we listen to them.
They got a huge amount of toilet paper, yarn and stickers with our school's logo and our graduation year on them. We will start with messing up the school without the extra things first, means: we will carry out desks and chairs onto the hallway to create a barricade for the other students.

They finish their speak and we split up.
I, Liv and Kelly, my best friends head towards some classrooms while Nat, Wanda and Maria, her best friends, go in the other direction.
I love spending time with Nat and the same the other way around but we don't want our friends to feel less important just because we have a relationship now. That's why we go separate ways, we will spend enough time together later today.

It's fun to carry everything out of the classroom and we giggle while lifting some chairs up onto the desks. Another student brought a music box and we sing along and dance while making a mess.

The classrooms are empty fast and I proudly look at what we've created. It won't be easy to climb over all these tables and chairs.
I hear Kelly calling for me and see her standing on two desks, gesturing for me to help her build a pyramid out of chairs on top of the desks. I climb onto a table and walk towards her, careful to not fall off the desks.
We are soon finished and a song we love comes on and we start dancing on the tables and pull of a little show for Liv who watches us laughing and films us.

When we're done, we jump back down and go back to the classroom where we meet earlier. I look outside a window and notice a storm and rain outside but I don't mind, we're safe inside.

The other's weren't lazy and also made a lot of chaos. They started to tape the yarn on the wall and stringing it along the hallway. We dug under some higher ones and jump over the lower ones. It's a total mess but I love it.

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