Meeting the family

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Pov y/n

I stand in front of a mirror and nervously tug on my shirt, it looks like something is wrong with it.
A huff leaves my mouth and I let my head fall back, staring at the ceiling.
Two hands wrap around my waist and I look back into the mirror to see Nat standing behind me and resting her chin on my shoulder.
"This shirt looks like shit." I whine a little and lean into her.
Her eyes scan over my body in the mirror and she kisses the spot under my ear.
"It doesn't, you look stunning, baby." She assures me.
"But it crinkles a little and..."

Nat places a finger in front of my lips to shut up my nervous rambling.
"You look great and you don't have to worry about it so much. They aren't coming here to judge your outfit."
"No but to judge me."
She turns me around softly and looks into my eyes.
"Calm down, my love. Everything will be just fine. I know they can seem a little scary at first but they are good people and as long as you don't threaten them or anything, nothing can go wrong."
I nod and take a deep breath.
Maybe she is right, maybe I should try to calm down.
But the thought of meeting her family for the first time is still scary.
"They are going to love you."
She pulls me closer and kisses me and for a few seconds I forget all my worries.

Luckily we invited them into the compound since all of the others are either on a mission or somewhere else. Because going to their home would have freaked me out even more.
We finish to set up the table and check on the casserole.
My leg starts bouncing while we sit on the sofa, waiting for them to arrive.
Nat places her hand on my thigh to calm me down a little.
"It's all gonna be just fine, I promise."
I look at her, take a deep breath and nod.
As the doorbell rings, I jump a little and shoot up, almost running towards the door.
Nat catches me and takes my hand, rubbing her thumb over the back of my hand.

We open the door and I smile at the tall man, standing in front of me.
He looks from Nat to me and smiles widely.
"Y/n, it's so nice to finally meet you!" He says in a loud voice that fits his appearance and he pulls me into a hug. I hug him back, a little insecure.
"I'm Alexei." He introduces himself as we make room for him to come in. Behind him, two women enter the compound and we close the door.
The older woman looks at Nat and raises an eyebrow at the flour stain on her sleeve.
Nat quickly brushes it off before she gets a hug.

I gulp a little, her mother seems to be strict and I self-consciously start tugging on my shirt again.
Her mother turns to me and smiles a little.
"I'm Melina." She introduces and holds out her hand for me to take. I do so and shake it, recognizing she has a hard grip.
"Nice to meet you, Melina."
While we shake hands, Alexei hugs Nat.
Melina lets go of my hand and makes room for the third person to approach me.
I look at the blonde who studies my face before she smiles at me.
"Hey, I'm Yelena."
Her aura is a bit more relaxed than Melina's and I shyly smile back at her. She opens her arms a little and waits for me to react. I give her a small nod and we hug shortly.
I instantly like her and feel comfortable around her.
She hugs Nat and playfully nudges her arm.
"Took you long enough."
"Yelena." Melina lightly scolds and gets an eye-role from her younger daughter but decides to let it slip.

Everyone hangs up their jacket and we lead them to the dining area.
Since Nat wanted to make sure I'm okay, she sits down next to me and Yelena and Alexei sit opposite of us which leaves Melina at the head of the table.
I get a vibe that this is kind of their normal sitting arrangement.
"How was the drive here?" Nat asks casually and takes my hand under the table to comfort me.
"Well, Yelena took her motorbike so we came separately." Melina answers and I look at Yelena.
"You also have a bike? That's so cool, Nat sometimes lets me ride with her and it's a lot of fun." I say a little excited.

Yelena nods agreeingly.
"I do and it really is. I love my bike and riding on it. It is so much fun, especially when you can go really fast or if there are a lot of curves. Were you already on a highway? It's so much fun to find a way between the cars and be fast." She says while her eyes light up in a similar way as Nat's.
"No, we actually weren't on a highway yet." I answer her question and she looks a little shocked.
"Why not?" Her eyes are now on Nat.
"Because it's safer to stay on the normal streets." Nat replies and I smile a little, finding it adorable how she is worried about mine or our safety.

"I mean, you can't keep that experience from her, it's way too great. Y/n, if you want, I can take you out on a highway on my bike." Yelena offers and I smile, liking the idea of us bonding.
A quick side glance to Nat shows me that she isn't as enthusiastic as her sister but doesn't seem to be against it either.
"I'd love to." I accept and my smile grows.

We have a bit more of small-talk before dinner is ready and we start to eat.
My first impressions are over all pretty good.
I really like Yelena and have a feeling we will get along great.
Alexei isn't as scary as he may seem on first sight and is actually more of a softy and likes to joke.
Melina is nice but a bit stricter, not especially towards me but her daughters.
She looks at Nat scoldingly and my girlfriend automatically sits up straighter and I see Yelena doing the same thing without being looked at.
Dinner is calm, we chat a little and Alexei asks what I do for a living and we laugh as he cracks a joke.

After we clean up the table, Nat leads her parents to the living room while Yelena holds me back.
"I really like you, y/n. So please don't take this the wrong way..." She starts and I feel myself getting nervous again.
"Natasha is my sister and I love her with my whole heart and I have a feeling so do you. And I know you two have been together for quite some time now, so this might me a little late, but whatever. You better don't hurt her. Don't break her heart or do something really stupid. Because if you do, I will come for you... Now, you don't seem like the person to mess up big time but still, she is my sister and I will have her back. I understand if you two break up because it doesn't work, that's something completely different but if you hurt her, it won't be fun for you."
I nod, intimidated by the blonde Russian who now smiles at me and we go back to join the others.

When I sit down next to my girlfriend, I start to relax more and more and Yelena's face also looks kind again so I take a breath and calm down.

This night, as Nat and I lay in bed and cuddle, I tell her about what her sister said.
She shakes her head a little and lets out a small laugh before she kisses my head. "I know you won't hurt me, baby. And so does she. She just had to do it, you know? She wants to protect me."
I hum in understanding and we talk a little more and I tell Nat that I like her family and she has the impression that they liked me too which makes me relax internally.
It wasn't that scary after all but who wouldn't be scared to meet your Russian girlfriend's family?   

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