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***Exactly! You want to take but won't give.***



I would take a cab from the psychiatrist hospital or even take a bus but unfortunately, I need to get new meds. Which means me having to be in a hospital again. 

It's annoying enough working in the Psych hospital and having to smell drugs all day but I have no choice. 

I have been having serious mood swings. No crying or anything but I just don't feel okay. Not to mention that I don't want to become addicted to the nicotine of my cigarettes so I'd rather go get new medication.

I wish I had a ride though. 

Wesley would have given me a ride or something but he's in his parents place and I doubt I would have entered his car seeing as there's still some issues that need to be conversed. 

But I wouldn't mind Perez. Now it just sounds like I rely on both of them and I don't. 

So bottom line, I walk. Since it's like a five minute walk anyway.

It gives me time to think though. 

I've had ten missed calls from my father for example. I don't even bother checking anymore. I just put my phone on silent and pretend not to notice if I happen to see the phone light up. 

Right now for instance, I'm getting my eleventh call from him. I don't want to see him. I don't want to breathe him. Know him. I just-I just want to forget him in my life. I want to discard the parts of my life that has him inside but I can't.

The call goes to voicemail. 

I delete it without listening to it. 

I inhale a breath and continue walking. I also need these new pills to help control my attitude especially now that I've joined the football team. 

I accepted Gavin's offer and everything and I was initiated. I didn't practice with the rest of the guys today but by tomorrow, I'm going through some rigorous activities and I can already see myself fainting. 

I don't want to get too aggressive while I'm playing especially since most of the boys aren't comfortable with me around. I don't care but I don't want to be sanctioned by Coach Jean either.

After agonisingly waiting and sitting -till the point that my butt freaking aches-I'm finally attended to and given my pills. 

I place it inside my bag and sling it on shoulder and I leave the entrance but a certain copper hair catches my attention before I can leave. I know that shade of copper, it is Wesley's.

What is Wesley doing in the hospital?

I can't think of anything that would make him here. He has impeccable health. He can't be here for his knee because he's been cleared a long time ago. 

Except he had some complications. 

I can't let this go. 

So I follow him. 

He walks some staircases till he's near some sets of rooms. He smiles and opens a door. Room 56.

And because I'm impulsive as fuck, I also step in.

Wesley's back is to me but I can see a girl on a bed. She looks up at me and then Wesley notices that there's someone behind him. 

His smile fades.

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