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**Let go of me, you big idiot**

Mr Kingsley's class is always a bore. Always been, always will be.

Today though, I decide to take it up a notch. I'll probably get a detention after this little stunt but in my handbook, I don't care. Neither do I give a damn.

Plus, it will serve him right for giving me a B in my English paper when I had researched adequately and had a captivating story. One he would never hear in all his life. I had written a master piece and got a sloppy B written on my paper.
It wasn't only the grade but his stupid handwriting made my blood boil and I knew I would have to get back even if it took days. Which it did. Seven days actually.

A lot of people wonder how such a 'delinquent' like me could be bright in school and it makes me scoff. That although I might be troublesome, I am definitely not dumb.

I get out of my Harley Davidson with pride and a bounce in my steps. I have saved for my motorcycle since sophomore year. Money wasn't easy to get and trust my dad not to give you a dime of his money other than the one for school. I had to take jobs and save all my money for it. It was worth it. So worth it.
There's only one other person who has a motorcycle in this school and that is my Math teacher, Mr Reggie.

You would think he would have a Volvo or some old Corolla instead but nope, he drives a motorcycle. Not as sleek as mine but it's got girls falling under his spell and focusing on him more in Math. Not to mention his good looks as well.

He's my favourite teacher and a lot of people aren't happy about the bond we have; like the easy way we talk or my little snide comments in his class. But like I said, I don't care. If anything were to be my life motto, that would be it: 'I don't care'. I should get it on a frame.

I get into the school building and I see people's heads turn. I rarely come early and when I do, it's just another day of 'Gossip BehindNevaeh's Back' day. Totally normal if you ask me.

Most of their comments are about what happened at Rodney's party.
Rodney held a party last Friday and I was invited.

But during the heat of the party, the asshole came over and tried to kiss me. Forcefully. Until I slapped him.

The dance floor went quiet and everybody looked at me like I was the one wrong.

He tried to defend himself by saying he was drunk and that I looked identical to his girlfriend which I scoffed at.

His girlfriend is white, I am black and his girlfriend has blonde locks, I have dark curls. He couldn't have been more stupid and more drunk. Anyway I looked like the bad guy and he looked innocent which made me angry and eventually led to my early exodus from the party.
But still people are talking about it and it doesn't bug me but I also don't want to be the centre of their attention.

I take my boot one step at a time as I walk to my locker. I slam the metal door and it opens immediately and I dump my books in it. They aren't much which is better for me. I close my locker and lean against it as people pass by. Some glaring at me and others too busy to spare a glance.

The school hallway is decorated in Blue and Red, Axehill's colours. There's the welcome banner which will be changed to the school's mascot or something by this Thursday when there's a major soccer match between our school and some other school along the district.

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