Chapter 20

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Chapter Twenty

Unsaid Words

Two days then passed and we are making major preparations for our high school graduation which will be tomorrow. We have already memorized the hymn. The flowers are all ready, the stage, and everything. But what we haven't readied was to accept that we will start following our own paths right now.

There will be no more drowsy mathematics classes. There will be no more attempting to stay awake during snooze-inducing discussions. No more asking Mitsuri for mochis and admiring her, and earning threats from the quiet Iguro from the other section. Uzui Tengen will no longer be coming into our classroom to flirt with half of the female population, excluding me and Mitsuri, of course. Rengoku will no longer have to remind the teacher about the homework. And there will be no more class excuses when there is an immediate Hashira meeting.

As for myself... I'm not going to tease the person behind me any longer.

It sorts of came to a halt when he stopped speaking to me.

He was also becoming quieter these days.

Taking all the melancholic feeling in as I stared at the sliding doors of my classroom from the outside.

I am not the sentimental type of person, but for some reasons, this school year became so close to my heart that I just find it so hard to accept that it has come to its conclusion.

When I opened the sliding doors, I was surprised to see Tomioka standing there, his chair propped up against the window beside him, looking out at the view. He was the only one in the room.

When he realized that the doors had been opened, he turned to face me. And we were staring at each other for such a long period of time that my heart began to race.

He took a few steps back before standing up. I also walked awkwardly towards my seat and into my bag to pack my belongings. We have already been dismissed early in order to prepare for our rituals the following day.

The classroom's already empty.

I see him from my peripheral view that he is also packing his things up, refusing to talk to me as well.

If this was before, I would tease him about things and he would give me a really bored looking face, but he would respond to my nonsense questions. I usually do that just to make him talk.

It was so late for me to realize but I did like him... A lot.

From the way I care for him. From the way, in every crowd, his presence I look for.

I have no idea with romance, I truly do. And that was the reason why it took me a while to realize.

Shinobu, take a deep breath and try to relax. You're on top of it. Just as I turned around to speak with him, he had already finished packing up his belongings and walked away from me and towards the door. Leaving me with the emptiness of the room.

My grip on my bag became tighter without even realizing it, as I stare at his back walking away from me.

My gaze landed on my foot as I try to calm myself down.

It's fine, I still have tomorrow.

I'll be brave and tell him how I truly feel. I will.

"How long will you stare at your uniform?" My sister spoke behind me, I then turned to look at her. I am now at my room, it's around eight o'clock and later at nine will be our graduation.

"I'm going to college now..." I whispered.

"Yeah, now wear your uniform and get ready." Kanae said walking towards me, "Is anything bothering you?" She asked.

Unsaid Words | GiyuShino Fan FictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz