Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen


The Kocho estate, including our helpers, nurses, butlers, and drivers celebrated Christmas. My two sisters were now busy opening their gifts. And I'm here at the long couch looking around.

 The Christmas tree glistened, and the lights shone brightly, illuminating the entire room and bringing the atmosphere of the season into the room.

I opened my phone because there was a message from two different people.

From Mitsuri Karonji
Merry Christmas, Shinobu!!!!! Enjoy your food and drinks. Make sure to stuff your mouth with nomnoms!

I giggled at her message, then there was another message.

From Tapioka Giyu
Merry Christmas.

I typed my response to Mitsuri and greeted her a Merry Christmas. I also heard that she and Obanai started dating. So, her Christmas is really merry this year.

I then typed my response to Tomioka.

To Tapioka Giyu
Merry Christmas! :>

And clicked send. I then walked towards my sisters who are squatting beside the Christmas tree.

"Your gift, Kanae-san, Shinobu-san." Kanao gave us her gift and her warmest smile. "I hope you like it..."

"Uwahh! Thank you so much, Kanao! You, cutie!" Kanae hugged her, I also joined their hug and patted Kanao's head.

"You've grown so beautifully." I said.

"Thanks for taking care of me, Kanae-san... Shinobu-san..." She said in a muffled voice since we are hugging her. I can see our parents staring at us with loving eyes.

When we finished cleaning, I got up to my room and just explored some of my acquaintances Christmas posts.

My phone beeped.

From Tapioka Giyu
What are you doing?

I have no idea why but my face suddenly heated up reading his message. Probably because of the heat inside the room. I got up and turned the AC on.

I opened my phone again and typed down my response.

To Tapioka Giyu
We just finished celebrating. I'm in bed now. Kinda sleepy.

From Tapioka Giyu

I smiled at his really short response.

From Tapioka Giyu
Fireworks are really loud.

To Tapioka Giyu
Yeah. Just close your window so you can sleep.

From Tapioka Giyu
It's fine. The moon's lovely tonight.

I stared at his message before going up from my bed. I reached for my winter coat, which was hanging on the coat rack, and wrapped it around my body. I took a few steps towards the balcony and I then opened the French doors.

My cheeks were gently caressed by the biting cold. When I breathed, a mist would form just above my mouth. I rubbed my shoulders for warmth as I stared at the moon.

To Tapioka Giyu
Yeah. It really is lovely.

The break ended and now I am inside our car on our way to school. When we reached the school grounds, me and Kanao bid our goodbyes to Kanae who will be heading out to her university.

I walked calmly towards our class room. A few lowerclassmen who recognize me as their Hashira greeted me. I greeted in return and smiled.

I wonder how's everyone doing during the break.

When I was about to open the sliding classroom doors, it blasted opened and Tomioka was at the other side. My eyes widened looking at him. He also seemed so shock at the sight of me.

"Oh, hi!" I said.

"H-Hi..." He said, stuttering. "It's good to see you here."

"I'm happy to see you again too."

"Shinobu!!" Mitsuri walked past Giyu which made him move at the side. Then she hugged me tight. "I miss you!!"

"Awe, I miss you too!" I told Mitsuri. Then I looked at Giyu who is looking at us, he looked away when he caught me staring.

Mitsuri chatted with me as we walk towards our seat. She was dreamingly narrating how she and Obanai spend their New Year's Eve together. I'm really happy for her.

"Oh! By the way, Mr. Ubuyashiki has an announcement for us later." Mitsuri said.

"Okie." I said.

The whole class were talking about how they spent their vacation. Rengoku shared how he and his family celebrated their Christmas.

"Yeah, and I ate all the tempura." He finished his story.

Mitsuri giggled cutely. "That's so you, Rengoku-san."

"And I bet you ate a lot of Sakura Mochi?" Rengoku asked Mitsuri.

"Huwaahh! Yes! Iguro-san bought me a lot!" She said with sparkles in her eyes.

The three of us were just talking about our vacation. When I looked back to look at Giyu who is sitting behind me.

He looked at me when he caught me staring at him, "Hmmm?"

"How about you?" I said, trying to include him in the conversation.

"Uh, I just watched a few fireworks and slept... I think." He said.

"Ohhh, you're not spending it with your family?" Mitsuri asked curiously. I almost choked on my saliva when I heard her question.

I was able to see the sadness in his eyes. While his ability to conceal and disguise his true feelings is commendable, I am still able to see right through it. His gaze conveys a lot.

"They... They are not there to spend it with me." He simply said. Mitsuri just nodded softly, then talked to Rengoku.

She has no idea as to what happened to his family... To his parents... To his sister.

When he looked me in the eyes, I smiled at him and reached out for his hands, which caught him off guard. He averted his gaze, but he didn't drop my hand or take any action against it. He let me hold his warm hands.

The coldness of his entire personality matched the icy winters, but the warmth of his hands and heart matched the warmth of summer. The warm sun shines down on the entire flower garden, illuminating it. Warm sunlight uncovers the river and lakes, giving them a luminous appearance. Warm heat that tickles your skin and heart.

"I hope you're well," I whispered. Trying to catch his gaze.

"I wasn't." He said still looking away. "But I think I am now." He said.

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