Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine


A few days have flown away, and school's normal as ever. We are simply swamped with activities. But I'm starting to get the hang of it.

"Hey, Tomioka, do you have notes from the last meeting?" A girl, our classmate asked Tomioka.

He seems so occupied on something, when the girl tapped his shoulder, he looked at the girl wearily and said, "No. I'm sorry." Then proceeded on folding his arms on the table and naps.

We were again summoned at the council room for an important meeting after our final subject. The non-Hashiras already started packing up their things to go home. I went towards Tomioka's seat to wake him up, since he has fallen asleep. Mitsuri is already at the room since she was called earlier. When I touched Giyu's arm, his body temperature was hot. It also looks like he is shivering from the cold air inside the room.

"Hey, Tomioka... Tomioka..." I tried to wake him up but he won't move an inch.

I started to get worried since it seems like he is sick. It would be awful for me to wake him up when he is asleep resting. But I have to wake him up and ask if he already took his medicine.

So, this is the reason as to why he seems so tired earlier.

"Hmmm?" He murmured as he lifted his face and looked at me. I stood up from my seat and squatted in front of him. Our faces are inches away, I inspected his face and noticed that his eyes were bloodshot and his lips were pallid. "Yeah?" He asked wearily.

"Are you alright?" I asked, my voice was filled with concern.

"Uh, yeah, I think so." He said, sounding so disoriented.

"Did you already take your medicines?" I asked.

"Uhm, no... I don't have any. Don't have the time to buy..." He murmured so softly.

"Oh my... You're scorching hot!" I said. "I'll excuse you today, alright? We actually have an important meeting. You go home, ask someone to take care of you there." I told him.

"I... I live alone." He said looking away.

"Wait, what?!" I exclaimed. "Okay, uhm..." I tried to think of any solution. Then suddenly I thought one. "I'll take you home..."

"You're coming at my house?" He said.

"No, not yours, dummy. Mine." I said. He looked at me swiftly with wide eyes.

"My parents are doctors and we have a clinic at our house. You can be taken care of there."

"You don't need to. I don't want to be a bother." He then looked away.

"You won't be a bother! It's fine! Come." I said. He sighed softly then started packing his things up. "I won't be attending the meeting today.I can just give an excuse letter tomorrow. Or I can message Mitsuri right now." I said as I looked for my phone and started typing. He is already packing up his things slowly, maybe because he is really tired and his body feels heavy.

To Mitsuri Karonji

Hello, Mitsuri. Me and Giyu won't be attending the meeting today. Please do inform Mr. Ubuyashiki. I'll send an excuse letter tomorrow. Thank you T_T

She then responded quickly.

From Mitsuri Karonji

OMG! Are you two having a date?! I support! Ship! Sail! Haha!!

I face palmed at her message. Then she sent another message.

From Mitsuri Karonji

Kidding! Yes I'll inform sir. No worries. But for real tho????? Are you two having a date???? Are you ditching our meeting for your love rendezvous?

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