Out for my life

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A/N: This is the Izuku version of my other story named Snow! So, most of the time it will basically be copy paste but they will be some changes too. Now let's get into the story!

Izuku's POV unless said otherwise:

If things would be only easy...

Why can't things ever be easy?

Like why?

It's not as if it is complicated or anything like this so why?

Mother: Izuku! Come down!


I wish they could leaveme be!

I really regret not being able to ditch them!

But I need to save a bit more before I can leave them!

Let's just endure it!

I don't have any other place tostay and the hospital wouldn't take me in...

If I could refuse I would have done so long ago but I can't. This was my who knows what number of adoptive family. There was no way I wanted to risk getting thrown out again.

Me: Coming!

However I really wished for it. These parents are the worst! Like the worst! There was nothing normal about them. They might look all happy and everything but things are messed up around here. If it wasn't for my quirk I was sure they would have killed me by now. Neverland I was still here for a reason. Ot was either stay or leave and get thrown out of the orphanage since I was old enough already.

What a dumb rule!

I went down the stairs making sure that my wings were actually in their small size because I did wanted to risk showing them mu really quirk and wasmet with my mother and father sitting at a drcked out table with food.

Father: It's about time you get down. Foods about to get cold.

Ohh it really smells delicious!

I am famished!

I could need something!

Wow Now look at how many there is!

I wonder if we expect some guests over today?

Me: I was kinda busy with stuff that I forgot how late it was. Sorry my bad.

Mother: Oh what were you doing darling?

Me: Ahm stuff....

Please just accept it!

It's not as if I can tellyou the truth!

Like no one ever wanted to hear it and I don't trust you!

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