46 ❥ the flash-drive pt.2

Start from the beginning

"What?! You mean the doctor who treated Asher in the hospital?" Jesse gasps.

"Yeah. Anyways, he and Macy were getting "comfy" and while that was happening, he caught me staring at them. I promise I wasn't trying to be a "peeping tom" or anything but when he caught me, he wouldn't look away."

"Wait wait wait! You're telling me that this grown-ass man was watching YOU while he and Macy were doing sexual things?!" Jesse yells.

"Why aren't you two shocked?" He asks the brothers.

"Because they already know," I reply.

"What?! And you didn't tell me?! I'm gonna kill you both." Jesse threatens.

"JUST WAIT! I know it's fucking weird but this isn't the end of the story." I say.

He quickly shuts up before I continue.

"A few days after Asher was released from the hospital, Jonathan had a dinner party with some of his friends. One of the said friends was Dr.Moore. You should have seen Macy's face, she looked like she was about to throw up. Anyways, towards the end of the party, Ash and I got bored and he suggested that we go into the city and do something. Once I made it to my room, Dr.Moore was there and he shut the door so I wouldn't leave-"

"WHAT?!" Xander yells.

"JUST SHUT UP AND LET ME FINISH!" I let out a frustrated laugh.

"Sorry..." He mumbles.

"He kept telling me how much I look like my mom and it started getting annoying then he said 'how well do you know your family?'. I was obviously confused and questioned him about it and then he said something about my dad not being my real dad." I pause for a moment to take a breath while I hear the boys gasp.

"Before he left, he handed me a flash drive with a bunch of information about my real dad. I was confused and frustrated and automatically started to question everything, you know?" I ask before they all nod.

"Anyways, I refused to watch whatever was on the flash drive until after I got back from France because I didn't want my mood ruined while I'm there, so I just left it in a drawer while I was gone. However, even while I was there, all I could think about was what Dr.Moore told me."

"Is that why you were avoiding all of Asher's calls?" Axton asks.

"Yeah, I just kept thinking about whether or not he knew about my dad."

"There's no way Asher knew," Jesse says.

Little do you know...

"When I got home earlier, I finally watched the video on the flash drive and-"

Oh god here comes the fucking waterworks again.

"Take your time." I feel Axton place his hand on my shoulder in a comforting way.

"It was a video of a man named Grayson Hart...my father."

"Are you sure he's your dad?" Axton asks.

"He looks like me," I say.

"He told me that he and my mom worked together for years and that he found out that my mom was in an abusive relationship with Jonathan after he found her on the floor one night bruised and bloody."

"Holy shit." I hear Xander gasp.

"He said that he let my mom and Asher stay with him for a while until she was forced to go back. He said that he and my mom fell in love and the night before she left, I was conceived and he never saw her again."

"Then he said that Jonathan knew I wasn't his kid right away and threatened him saying that if he ever contacted me or my mother ever again, he would send someone to kill him."

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