Seeing Things Clearly

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"What happened, Lee?" he asks, giving me a tissue

"I just can't believe I let someone else touch me!"

"Where did that come from now?"

"It just did, ok? It's my greatest regret! And on top of cheating on the only man I ever loved, I used someone!"

"Well, more like he used u..."

"No! *sniffs* David said something similar too! Liam didn't use me or manipulate me!"

"Are u sure?"

"Yes! Well, almost...wait, why do u think he used me?" I ask, feeling my need to cry fading away

"Maybe used isn't the right word...What I mean is that seeing how unstable u were, he should have stepped away instead of being your lover!"

"So, u think he took advantage of my vulnerability for personal gain?"

"Yes! Exactly!"

"He was in love with me, though. And that I know for a fact!"

"Maybe! But love doesn't justify taking advantage of the other person! Basically, if he loved u, he should have put your well-being above his desire for u! He should have been the bigger person!"

"Well, he said he wanted to save me and tried to make me addicted to him rather than the cocaine...I don't think he took advantage of my state of mind! He's a psychologist after all, maybe he tried something to help me!"

"A psychologist?"

"Yes! He became a piano instructor when he realized that most of the trauma we have as adults stems from our childhood, so he wanted to help kids by giving them a way out; music!"

"That's actually very sweet, did u know that from the start?"

"No, I actually learned about it after we started seeing each other..."

"Did that play any part in u staying in this relationship after u learned about it?"

"I don't think so...yes, I liked what I heard, but I was way detouched from him! I never felt a connection... "

"I see...well, I can't know his motives, but either way, knowing that u weren't in the right state of mind, he should have stopped the whole thing! Maybe he didn't do it knowingly or on purpose, but he did take advantage of your vulnerability for personal gain! But I'm glad that u were the one that did it! It being ending the relationship... "

"I'm glad too! If he had done it, I would have probably felt rejected and who knows what I would have done after!"

"That's also a possibility, yes! Is it me or u're suddenly seeing things more clearly?"

"Maybe! I mean, the meds they give me for my addiction still have some effect on me, but I think I've started thinking more clearly. Like, I gained my mind back!"

"And I assume u like that?"

"I do, yes! My mind was always my biggest weapon, if u want! I didn't know I had lost it till our vacation last summer..."

"Then we're on a very good path! And I'm so happy with the progress we made today! It mustn't have been easy to open up like that..."

"It wasn't, but they came out very naturally...considering I came here with no intention to talk!"

"That was about to be my next point! U came here not wanting to say a word and u ended up telling me everything!"

"Well, after letting out what I was holding from yesterday, I felt better...I guess that's why I kept talking!"

"Yes...maybe! *smiles* Well, I think that's enough for today! I'll immediately let the staff know about your new name and we'll talk again next week to see the results! I assume David will have been able to come and we'll have more to talk about..."

"Yeah, I hope he comes..." I say, feeling sad again. After that, we say goodbye and I go back to my room.


Next week

David's P.O.V

This last week may have been even harder than the previous ones! Not only I was missing Olivia like crazy, but what I did-not going to see her-was eating me alive! I don't know if seeing her last time made things worse for me, but it didn't make them easier either. The house is so empty and quiet, like someone muted the sound. It's dark, like the walls lost their color. The only times I was feeling somehow alive, were the days Nathan was in the house. Thank God I have him! He keeps asking when Olivia will come back, though, breaking my heart every time I lie to him, responding "soon".

Anyway, today I'm flying to Texas, finally! I can't wait to see her! Her nurse tells me she's well, eating, taking her meds, and participating in group activities, but honestly, they don't know how to read her like I do, so I'm nervous about what I'll see. She also told me that she's going by Lee now...Doctor's orders she said. I haven't heard that name in a long time, probably since our first dates, when we were still getting to know each other. It's gonna be hard for me to call her Lee, but if the doctor says it's what she needs, I'll do it!

When I'm at the facility, they tell me that she's in the music room, so I should wait in her room for them to notify her. Not long after I have sat at the armchair she has in her room, she runs inside.

"Thank God, u came! I thought they were screwing with me!" she says falling into my arms, just when I have managed to get up. I can't help but wrap my arms around her tightly and close my eyes satisfied. She sure gained the weight she had lost, maybe even more, making me extra happy

"Of course I came! I'm sorry I didn't last week..." I apologize sincerely, letting my guard down once again

"I am too. But u're here now!" she says pulling away to look at me. Her eyes are still a little lost and kinda sad, but she really looks better

"I am, yes!" I say smiling, stroking her hair

"U like them?" she asks excitedly


"My hair!"

"They're longer, right!" I say taking the time to observe them better

"Yeah! U like them?"

"I do, actually, yeah! How come?" I ask and she shrugs her shoulders

"I don't know, I just decided not to cut them!"

"Well, winter is just around the corner, so I guess it was a good call..."

"Yeah, that's what I thought too! Anyway, let's sit!" she says and after giving me a kiss, she moves towards a small table on the other side of the room.

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