Look At Me

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When he's ready, he puts his one hand on the back of my thigh, raising it a little, and places himself at my entrance. I wrap my leg around his waist and my arms around him, pulling him into a kiss, and he pushes himself inside me, making me moan in his mouth. At first, he's slow, but he quickly picks up the pace.

The weight of his body, makes me lean back a little, as he grabs my ass with both hands, pulling me as close to him as possible. I unwrap my arms, letting them drag down his chest and abdomen, stopping at his hips and sliding slowly to his ass, grabbing it too, while my lips move to his neck, kissing him hungrily. He does his head to the side, moaning, and moves his one hand up my back, burying it in my hair.

When he picks up the pace, I run out of breath and pull away a little, just enough to catch my breath, but I leave my lips on his skin. His thrusts start becoming sloppy, so I realize he's close.

"Look at me!" he commands. For some reason, I just jerk up and look at him directly in the eyes.

"Breath with me..." he says softer than before, grabbing my jaw and bringing our foreheads together. I immediately understand what he wants to do, so I close my eyes

"Olivia, look at me!"


"Olivia!" he asks strictly, making me open my eyes again, as an instinct. The moment my eyes open and meet his, he thrusts hard one last time before we both finish, loudly. 

Immediately after my orgasm ends, I close my eyes and lean my head on his shoulder and relax my hands, gasping for air.

After we catch our breaths again, I open my eyes, raise my head and look at him

"Hi!" he says cheerfully

"Hi!" I say in the same tone, making us both laugh

"I thought u fell asleep for a minute!" he says and I realize I had my eyes closed for longer than the normal amount of time

"I could never... I just needed a moment to gather my strength!"

"I'll choose to believe that..." he says playing not convinced

"I never thought u'd be insecure!" I say teasingly

"Everyone has insecurities, Olivia..." he says, putting a stray lock of hair behind my ear. That move alone, makes my heart skip a beat and without thinking about it, I lean in to kiss him. He pushes the fingers of his one hand in my hair, as our tongues play with one another. I move my hands up his back, to his shoulders, and then let them fall on his chest, scratching it gently, until we pull away and I lay my head on him.

"U said u weren't always a piano instructor, wanna elaborate on that?"

"Sure. I'm a psychiatrist! Well, I was, at least!"

"U what?" I ask raising my head to look at him

"Yep! I went to college, graduated and everything!"

"Then, why do u teach piano to kids? I'm sure u'd be gaining way more if u practiced..."

"Well, I practiced for a few years, but I always loved music and playing the piano. And after seeing that most of the trauma people have, has its roots in their childhood, I decided that I would prefer helping kids find peace within the music than to have them as clients in adulthood...So, I became a music teacher!"

"Wow! That's so thoughtful!" I say impressed

"Yeah...Piano, and music in general, was the only thing that helped me when my parents got divorced when I was 8. I figured that I could maybe help some kids too! Having something to soothe u and keep your mind calm, is very helpful. Especially when u're a kid!"

"Please tell me this is a real story and not an attempt to make me fall for u..." I practically beg him, starting to see him a little differently

"I swear, it's a true story..."

"U must really love kids in order to want to be around them for this much time, huh?"

"I love kids, yeah!"

"God, where have u been 8 years ago?"

"Studying to be a music teacher, I think!" he says thinking about it, making me chuckle

"Right...Anyway, I should go" I say and as I try to get off of him he puts his hands on my hips and tries to stop me

"Stay, please" He begs, looking at me like a puppy

"I can't! I have a meeting with the professor who helps me with my thesis at 12.30 and u have a lesson in less than an hour"

"So? I'm already here, I just need to get dressed...we have plenty of time!"

"Liam, I may be unable to stop myself from having sex with u, but I have to at least be able to walk away after! I can't be addicted to u too..."

"Then be addicted only to me!"

"Well, cocaine doesn't ask more from me than what I already do, it's easier to stay addicted to it..." I say, pushing his hands away and getting away from him. He doesn't say anything, he just looks at me as I get dressed, with a sad look. 

"See u for Nathan's lesson" I say after giving him an open-mouth kiss, and then I leave


The weeks until Nathan left for vacation with Christina and her husband, Jake, were rather stressful for me; Nathan's school closed for the summer, so we had him home more days than usual. That wasn't bad at all, I loved having him around more, but when u have a kid in the house, it's inevitable that there's gonna be more mess and, of course, the kid needs to be entertained, so it was just a little more work for me than usual! I continued taking him to his lessons, which Liam suggested would be twice a week, until he leaves, in order to make up for the time they'll lose over Nathan's vacation.

While Nathan was seeing Liam 2 times a week, I was seeing him 3, for obvious reasons. Every time I would go back home after, though, I would feel really bad and I would curse myself for doing this to David. I really can't understand why I keep doing it, even though I know it's hella wrong. I started taking pills to calm myself and my thoughts, in order to keep myself sane, since I also had my thesis to worry about, which was about to be over, and the anxiety of presenting it after summer was over the roof! The pills would make me sleepy, so I changed them to pot, because I still needed to focus. David also was benefited from that, since he would smoke with me after work to calm his nerves. 

Thankfully, seeing how stressed and kinda jealous I was of Nathan, he decided to take a few days off work and take me somewhere. Since I wasn't exactly in the mood to pack and stuff in order to go somewhere far, I chose Miami. I'm not a fan of the beach, but David is, so I didn't want to ruin it for him.

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