Salt On His Cuts

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The next day, early in the morning, I call Becky

"Where u watching me in your sleep?" she asks sleepily when she picks up

"Pff, like I slept at all!"

"Why?" she asks yawning

"Can we talk in person?"

"Well, I'm awake, so, yeah, ok, where?"

"Wanna come by my house?"

"Not somewhere outside?"

"No!" I exclaim

"Ok ok, don't shout! I'll be there in 30 minutes" she says and we hang up


"Finally!" I say when I open

"Jesus, what happened?" she asks getting in and I close the door behind her


"Please!" she says and we go to the kitchen. When our coffees are ready, we sit down

"Why the hell did u tell me that Liam is super gay?" I ask her and she nearly spits her coffee laughing

"Wanted to mess with u!"

"Congrats, I made a complete fool of myself!" I say angrily and she frowns

"What did u do?"

"I started acting differently around him and I offered to hook him up with my accountant!" I answer and she starts laughing again

"Don't laugh! I offended him!"

"Oh, come on, I'm sure he took it just fine!"

"No, he didn't! I practically told him that before thinking he's gay, I was afraid he will harass me! Which, honestly, it's something every woman fears!"

"Look, Liam is a very cool guy! I'm sure u'll both laugh at it the next time u talk!"

"Well, I don't see that happening any time soon!"


"Because it turns out that I was right and he was indeed hitting on me!" I say and now she actually spits her coffee

"What?" she asks

"Did I stater?"

"Details, now!" she says and after I sigh I tell her what happened from the beginning

"Oh. My. God! Are u sure we're talking about the same Liam here? Because the Liam I know would never admit it!"

"Well, I don't know what has changed, but he did! He was about to kiss me, but thank God he didn't!"

"Did u want him to kiss u, though?"

"No! Of course not! That's why I reminded him that I'm married and that I love my husband!"

"Well, I beg to differ! That's something u say when u actually want something to happen but u know it's wrong and u have to give a reason..."

"No, it's something u say when u think that a simple no is not enough! Guys tend to back off easier when another man is involved!"

"So, u don't like him..."

"I like him as a person!"

"Alright then... And why aren't u gonna see him any time soon?"

"After what happened, a. I can't look him in the eyes again and b. I don't want to rub salt in his wound, it's not right, so I'll ask David take Nathan to the lesson!

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