Move On

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"Got it!" he says and after he takes his boxers off and puts it on, he gets between my legs, and I wrap my legs around his waist again. Since the mood was kinda ruined, he starts kissing my neck, while he puts his hand between us and rubs my clit gently. Before I even manage to think about what I'm doing, I get horny again and close my eyes. As I get lost in the sensation of his thumb on my clit, he pushes a couple of fingers inside me, making me melt even more. His hand game is so strong that I almost start complaining when he stops and pushes his dick inside me, but this feels even better. He loses no time, starting to go somewhat fast, while I have completely let myself go, resting my head on the wall behind me and my hands on his chest. A few thrusts later, he goes faster and balls deep, making me dig my nails in his skin and drag them down, biting my lower lip and leaning forward, sucking his neck. My hands, which have dropped to his hips, reach for his ass, grabbing it, as I start making deep moans on his skin. He then, grabs my hair, pulling my head back and attacks my neck. His hand starts falling from my hair to my shoulder and finally landing on my breast, grabbing it firmly. After a few squeezes, he trails his tongue down my chest, until his lips replace his hand, sucking on my nipple. His hand stays under my boob, holding it, making it feel like his trying to put it all in his mouth. My one hand goes up his spine, making him shiver a little and lose his rhythm for a second, and stops on the back of his head, where I just tangle my fingers in his hair. His aggressive attitude towards my breast and his free hand squeezing the back of my thigh, pulling me closer, as if he's trying to get even more inside of me, make me dig my nails once again in his skin, as I finish hard, leaving a really loud choking sound. Thankfully this doesn't stop him, but makes him leave my breast alone and come back up, heading for my lips. I then put my other hand in his hair too and kiss him hungrily, while gasping for air. When he opens his mouth and groans on my lips, I realize he's finishing too. It takes me a while to understand that he has stopped moving, since even after he's done cumming, I can still feel the vibration. 

Liam's P.O.V

After I'm done cumming, I try to relax and find my normal breathing, but I don't pull out or away, because I have a feeling that once I let her go off my arms and her feet touch the ground, I'll never get to hold her so close again. Hearing her panting, as she rests her head on my shoulder, comes 3rd as my new favorite sound, after her laughter and her moaning.
When I feel her lifting her head, I wake up from my thoughts and turn to look at her.

"U have no idea how much I wanted to do that..." is what I choose to say to fill the silence that has suddenly fallen. Not such a wrong thing so say, since it makes her smile, but there were certainly better things I could have said

"I kinda wanted to do it too... And I wasn't wrong for giving in to it!" she says and I smile, putting a stray lock of hair behind her ear, looking her deep in the eyes

"Liam, u can't fall in love with me..." she warns me softly

"Too late!" I say in a bittersweet way

"Liam, put me down..."

"I don't want to..."

"But u have to! This was just to get it out of our systems! Nothing more can happen between us, u know that!"

"Oh, come on! Almost everyone has an affair!"

"Do u hear yourself?" she asks softly

"I'm sorry, it was stupid, but I know there's something here! U can't deny it!"

"No, I can't, but I have to!" she says and tries to get down, so I let her

"Forget what u have to do, Olivia! Do what u want to do for once!"

"I can't! David is great! We may have our differences, but who doesn't? He's good to me and he truly loves me! And I love him too!" she says putting her dress back on

"Yeah, yeah, I know! But, riddle me this: have u told him u had your IUD removed?" I ask her as I take the condom off

"What does that have to do with what happened?"

"Directly, nothing! But, indirectly, I'm sure he'd get furious if u told him!"

"How do u know that?" she asks me, taking the condom off my hands and going to the kitchen to throw it away

"Oh, come on! I've seen u with Nathan! U love kids, u obviously want one that's truly yours, but David doesn't want any more children, so he has u having an IUD!" I say as I get dressed again

"Bravo! *claps* u're so smart, u figured my life all out! Want a medal?" she asks ironically coming back

"No! I want u to give me a chance! I can make u happy too!"

"Liam, again, do u hear yourself? I'm married! With a great man that I really love and cherish!"

"Oh really? So why did u just have sex with me?"

"Because I'm unable to control my impulses! I'm weak and give in to things I shouldn't! Happy?" she answers and I sigh

"I can't just let u go, Olivia... I can't act like I don't feel things about u and, of course, I can't act like nothing happened!"

"Look, Liam, it's going to be hard, I know! But nothing can happen between us... I'm sorry if I led u on, especially by having sex with u, but u have to move on!" she says putting her hands on my chest and looking me in the eyes

"What if I don't want to?" I ask putting my one hand on her hips and the other on the side of her head, stroking her cheek

"Well, u're gonna have to anyway... For your own good!" she answers, wrapping her hand around the wrist of the hand I have on her cheek. After I exhale from my nose, thinking about it, I lean in and kiss her passionately, pulling her as close to me as I can.

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