Mixed Signals

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At first, she's a little uptight, especially because she realized I will be joining her with vocals, but soon she starts having fun with it. The fact that she looks at David, though, smiling, isn't easy for me, but I'm kinda happy that I see her having fun, and surprised by how good her voice is.

When the song ends, the guests clap and she goes to hug David.


Olivia's P.O.V

After all the guests leave, I tell David that I'm tired and go upstairs to change and take my makeup off, leaving him once again in charge, while the catering group picks their stuff up and gets ready to leave. As I'm going up the staircase, I make eye contact with Liam who gets ready to leave too, and we just look at each other until we can't anymore.
After we're finally alone, David comes upstairs, without jacket or a tie, his shirt's first buttons open and his sleeves rolled up, with a bottle of champagne on his one hand and a plate full of food in the other. We eat, drink and laugh for a while and then we have great sex, that makes me forget about the whole thing with Liam for a while.


On Monday, as I'm in our yard, writing yet another paper, I hear the doorbell, so I take my laptop inside and go open.

"Liam?" I ask surprised when I see him standing outside my door

"Good morning..." he says with a poker face

"Good morning to u too! Wh-what are u doing here?"

"I came to talk to u"

"About what?"

"May I come in?" he asks and I let him in

"U're in! Tell me what u want us to talk about..." I tell him after I close the door

"I wanna talk about u giving me mixed signals"

"How so?"

"Come on now! We share a moment, I tell u I've been hitting on u, I ask u if u feel anything about me, u say u don't know, then u drive off and completely disappear and when u see me at your party, u turn all white and panic, asking me what I'm doing and why I didn't turn down the offer, and then u never talk to me again all night, but instead, we keep having eye contact throughout the party and at the end, u don't even bother to come say bye!"

"Your point?"

"Ok, u want to play dumb? I'll play along! Why did u stop bringing Nathan?"

"Because I thought it would make things awkward!"

"For me or for u?"

"For both of us! It was clear u had feelings for me, so I didn't want to make it harder for u!"

"And u thought that seeing your husband every week was making it easier? Because it really didn't!"

"Well, I'm sorry!"

"We'll come back to that! Next question, why did u get so panicked when u saw me at the party? After all, I was supposed to be the one feeling nervous and awkward and like crap in general!"

"Because, as u said, we shared a moment and u being at my anniversary party was making me feel uncomfortable, because, obviously, u, me and David can't be in the same room together!"

"This doesn't make any sense, Olivia! I was the one who had the problem, why would u get uncomfortable?"

"Because I'm the problem!"

"Again, this doesn't make any sense! And, to be honest, neither does the I don't know u told me when I asked u if u feel anything for me! U either do or u don't!"

"It's not that simple, Liam!"

"How so?"

"Because u're single and I'm married!"

"That only makes the situation complicated, not your feelings! And u saying that, only makes me understand that u do have feelings for me, but u're afraid to admit it!"

"If u know the answer, then why are u asking me?"

"Because I want to hear u saying it! I want to know that I'm not alone in this!"


"No! I'm done trying to do the right thing and pretend I'm ok!"

"How me admitting what I actually feel makes things better?"

"It won't make things better, it will only make it easier for me to sleep at night, knowing I'm not crazy or a fool!"

"What about me, though? Once I admit it, it'll become real and I will never stop feeling like crap!"

"We'll feel like crap together!" he says making my eyes water

"I can't, Liam! I can't!" I say and he comes closer

"Don't keep it inside, Olivia...once u let it out of your mouth u'll feel lighter! I know I did!" he says taking my face in his hands, looking me in the eyes.

"Damn it!" I say and pull him into a kiss, grabbing him from his shirt. Our kiss quickly becomes deep and kinda aggressive, with me tangling my hands in his hair and him pushing me backwards, until my back hits the wall next to the door, but he puts his hand to stop me from hitting my head. 

"Are u busy?" he asks on my lips

"I have a few minutes!" 

"Oh, I'm gonna need more than a few minutes!" he says in a deep voice, looking at me in the eyes deeper than ever before. His statement makes me take a deep breath and bite my lower lip.

"Tempting as it sounds, I wouldn't feel comfortable doing...it...in a place where I do it with David" I say and then bite my lower lip, again, nervously

"Completely understood! But u're open to it happening?"

"Please don't make me think about it..."

"I'm sorry, I'm being inconsiderate..."

"Nuh...u're just being a man!" I say kinda playfully and he chuckles shily

"I'm sorry, I promise I'm not only thinking about sex! I'm thinking about sex with u!" he says in the same tone as me before

"God, now I'm thinking about sex with u!"

"We have to do something about it then, no?"

"U're right!" I say and jump on him, starting to kiss him again

"Couch?" he asks on my lips, as he squeezes my ass

"Of course not! I watch TV with Nathan on the couch!" I say stopping the kiss to look at him

"Ok, here's what we're gonna do: I'll put u on the stand here, is that ok?" he asks, nodding to the stand we have next to the door, on which we put our keys

"Yeah ok, do that!" I say and tighten my leg grip around his waist, as he unsticks me from the wall and takes me there. 

After he puts me on it, I pull his T-shirt off and then I undo his pants.

"Wait!" I say after he has taken a step back and his pants off, just when he's ready to take his boxers off too, making him stop

"What?" he asks looking at me confused

"I just want to remind u that I have been seeing the same dick for the past 8 years, so, excuse me if I make things a little awkward!"

"U're already making things awkward, Olivia..."

"Sorry, sorry! Haven't done this in a long time!" I say starting to get nervous and self-conscious

"Ok, so, I'm gonna take my boxers off, ok?"

"Ok, yeah, do that! Oh! And put a condom on!"

"I thought u have an IUD!"

"I removed it months ago! Are we gonna keep talking about it?" I ask crossing my arms in front of my chest

"No, sorry, u're right!" he answers and searches his pockets.

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