Liam Meets David

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"Don't let what other people think of u get to u. Even if I was implying something like that, it shouldn't matter to u. U know why u do the things u do and it's no one's business. People will always judge, it's not your job to convince them they're wrong. And honestly? It shouldn't even matter if u got married for the money! What I see is a woman who loves her step-son truly and wants only the best for him. U can max out your husband's credit cards, but since u're good with his kid, it should be the only thing that matters!" he says looking me in the eyes

"U're right. Thank u! It was a good piece of advice..."

"I know!" he says playfully making me smile

"Come on, monkey! Let's go home!" I say to Nathan and he comes close

"Bye Mr. walker!" he tells him chirpily and Liam leans forward

"Bye Nate!" he says back, high-fiving him before standing back straight and then we leave

"What did u tell him?" Nathan asks me on the way home, waking me up from my thoughts

"Nothing u should be concerned about" I reply calmly

"U seemed like u were fighting..."

"Me and Mr. Walker? Why would we fight?" I ask playing dumb

"I don't know *shrugs shoulders* that's why I'm asking"

"We weren't fighting. I just told him that it was inappropriate asking u about our ages and he apologized."

"Why was it inappropriate?"

"Because his job is to teach u how to play the piano and not to learn about your parents' ages. But he understood it was wrong and now everything is ok!"

"Please don't take me to another one, I like him!" he begs me sadly

"I won't, monkey!" I say looking at him from the rearview mirror and I see him calming a little


Liam's P.O.V.

The next few weeks passed quickly and calmly. Olivia kept staying with us during the lesson, bringing a different book every time, and wearing a different outfit. Her husband must be indeed loaded! We didn't talk again after the last incident, only the formalities.

One week, on a Thursday morning, I get a text on my phone from Olivia

Good morning Mr. Walker. I'm texting you in order to inform you that today my husband, David, will be bringing Nathan for his lesson, since I'm a little under the weather. Please excuse them if they get there a little late, my husband will be coming straight from work. If any problems come up, please let me know -Olivia Davis-Barnes

I'm not gonna lie, my first reaction was getting bumped out. But, truth be told, my curiosity about her husband eats me alive, so I think that it'll finally settle down. I think a lot about what to reply, resulting in me writing and then canceling a lot of times. Finally, I settle with this:

Good Morning, Mrs. Barnes. I'm so sorry to hear that you don't feel very well, I hope you feel better soon. I don't have a problem with them being late, I can wait. Thank you for informing me.

After not getting any response, I put my phone away and continue doing what I was doing.


At around 17.10, I hear a strong knock on my door. When I open it, I see a somewhat handsome man with grey, short hair, in a grey suit, a little shorter than me

"Hi! U must be Nathan's dad!" I say giving him my hand

"That's right! *gives hand too*, David Barnes"

"Liam Walker, nice to meet u!"

"Likewise! *breaks handshake* so, when should I come pick him up?"

"U can stay if u want, it's only an hour..."

"Sorry, can't. Unlike my wife, I don't have the time to do that, so, at 18.10?"

"Well, I could bring him if u want!" I say without thinking about it much

"Oh, I couldn't ask u that..."

"It's no problem, really! Just give me the address and I will bring him!"

"U're a lifesaver, really!"

"Don't mention it!" I say and he bends his knees to reach Natahan

"So, Mr. Walker will bring u home, ok? I may not be there by then, so I guess Liv will greet u, ok? If u need anything call me, alright?" he asks him

"Yes! Don't be late!" Nathan says and then David hugs him

"I promise I won't!"


At around 18.25 I pull over their driveway. Damn, it's huge! How successful of a businessman is this guy anyway? With that thought, I get out of the car, open the door to Nathan and then we go knock at the door. When it opens, I see a sleepy Olivia in her pjs and I lowkey start drooling

 When it opens, I see a sleepy Olivia in her pjs and I lowkey start drooling

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Mr. Walker? What-" she starts asking confused and then she sees Nathan

"I arranged with your husband to bring him, sorry to wake u!" I quickly apologize, as Nathan hugs her

"Thanks for doing that, u really shouldn't have! If I knew, I would have come!" she says, stroking his hair

"It was nothing, really! I wouldn't want to tire u anyway!"

"When it comes to this little guy, I can move mountains!" she replies and looks at him smiling, before kissing him on the head, making me smile

"Of course!"

"Want to come inside for some coffee? I really need to thank u!"

"U really don't have to! I wanted to do it! Besides, u were obviously sleeping, so I should probably let u wake up properly!"

"I'm well awake, I can promise u that! Except if u have anything to do, then don't let me keep u!"

"I have absolutely nothing to do!"

"Then, please, come in!" she says making the way for me to pass


"He said he had to go back to work and had u bring him, huh?" she asks me as she puts a cup of coffee in front of me, before sitting across me

"No, not at all! He asked me what time to come pick him up and when I told him he could stay, he said he couldn't because unlike u, he doesn't have the time, so I offered to bring him." I explain casually

"Wait, he said unlike me?" She asks, making me realize what I said

"Um...I shouldn't have said that, I'm sorry!" I say regretting saying it, taking a sip from my coffee

"No, no! Tell me what he said exactly!" she says getting angry

"I don't want to get in the middle, really! It just slipped..."

"Liam, please, tell me what he said! Trust me, u won't be getting between us! I won't say anything, I promise!" she kinda begs me, making me sigh, putting my mug down

"He said unlike my wife, I don't have the time to do that...that being staying during the lesson"

"Was the way he said it a little cocky?"

"I don't know...dismissive, maybe?" I say and she shakes her head disappointed, sighing deeply

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