I Can't Thank You Enough

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"Is everything ok?" I ask concerned

"No, it's not! One day! One day I don't feel that well and I can't control it! One day he had to make a detour to take his son to his piano lessons and acts as if I sent him to the fucking moon!" she says getting up to close the kettle that's whistling. I open my mouth with the intent to say something, but I really don't know what I should reply, so I just close it again

" Please, say something! Don't make me look like a fool! "

"I'm sorry, I don't know him or u that well, I can't say anything!"

"U're right, I'm sorry... I shouldn't have put u in that position!" she says lowering her voice, sitting back down with a mug of tee in her hands

"Don't worry about it! It's good to let it out!"

"I just can't stand him when he acts like that, u know? Like, ok, I don't work, but it's not like I don't want to! And ok, I said that I will be responsible for Nathan's lessons, but I think I'm allowed to feel like crap once in a while!"

"Of course u are! And he shouldn't get frustrated because of that! Did he see u at all today?"

"When he left I was still trying to sleep, so no, he didn't... Why?"

"Because u look really pale!" I say and reach for her cheek, pushing her hair back to see her better. As I do that, the back of my fingers touch her skin a little and both of us turn our eyes to each other's.

Olivia's P.O.V

When I see him reaching for my hair, I almost hold my breath and look at his hand, waiting to see what he wants to do. Suddenly, I feel his hand on my cheek, making me turn my eyes on his face. Apparently, he did the same, because our eyes meet immediately. After some time of none of us blinking, I realize what's happening and turn my eyes on the side.

"I'm sorry *clears throat* I just wanted to make sure that what I was seeing was right!" He apologizes pulling his hand away

"I-It's ok. Yeah, u're right, I get pale during this time of the month..." I say trying to act normal, but then I hear what I said and close my eyes, cursing myself

"Sorry! That wasn't something u should know..." I add kinda embarrassed

"What? That people get their period? Come on now, I'm a grown man!" he says softly making me smile

"Apparently u are! And did u say people instead of women?" I ask curiously

"Yep! Trying to keep up with the LGBTQ+ slang!" he says proudly

"Wow! Good for u!" I reply smiling

"Thank u! It's confusing, but at least I'm trying, right?"

"Right!" I say giggling

"Anyway, what I meant to say is that maybe if he had seen how pale u look, he wouldn't act like that..."

"Nuh, he acts like that in general...He's a good guy, but when u ruin his schedule he gets angry...I'm sure he'll come back with flowers!"

"Men, am I right?" he says playfully and I laugh, but the sound of the door opening and closing interrupts me.

"Marco?" he asks playfully making me smile

"Polo! This is what happens when he realizes his mistake" I answer to David and then I whisper to Liam who sips from his coffee. When David walks in the kitchen he's smiling, but when he sees Liam he gets a little serious

"Mr. Walker!" he says and Liam jumps up

"I-I brought Nathan and-and Mrs. Barnes insisted on thanking me with-with some coffee!" he explains stuttering and I try to hide my laughter

"She wouldn't be her if she hadn't insisted!" David says as I get up to greet him

"U're making it worse..." I say teasingly before kissing him

"These are for u" David says, giving me a bouquet of flowers

"Of course they are! *takes them* Don't u have anything to say to Mr. Walker?"

"Yes! *turns to Liam* thank u so much for offering to bring Nathan, he doesn't shut up about u!" he says making Liam relax a little and smile

"It was nothing, really! I'll be happy to do it again!"

"No no! Don't say that, he will take advantage of it... It won't happen again! U're a piano instructor, not a driver!" I say strictly, looking at David

"She's right! It won't happen again!" he agrees and I pet his back satisfied

"Alright then! I should go!" Liam says

"Stay if u want, I don't mind!" David says, but I understand that Liam wants to leave running

"No, no, I have a lesson in like half an hour, so I have to go anyway!"

"Alright, thank u again!" David says and after they handshake, I take him to the door, as David goes upstairs

"I can't thank u enough for offering to help, really! I know it sounds too much, but it means a lot!" I say when he's outside the door

"Ok, u guys should stop thanking me! I've been working with kids long enough to know that sometimes things happen and that the schedules of their parents aren't ideal!"

"Yes, truth is David is very weird with his job! One day he'll come early, the other day he might come after I have fallen asleep... I'm sure that today he had to postpone things in order to be here now, and that will cost us tomorrow..."

"Every job has its own problems. What matters is that he tries!"

"Of course! But that doesn't take away that without knowing us well, u helped us..."

"If anyone should be grateful, that's me, really! The fact that he trusted me with Nathan, means a lot!"

"Truth is that the instructions I gave him were for him to stay and I'm sure he didn't think it all the way through, even though he should have, because u're a stranger to him, but for what is worth, I'm starting to trust u!"

"Maybe having heard what u and Nathan have said about me, made him know he could trust me!"

"Yeah, maybe..."

"Anyway, I should really go now! Hope u feel better!"

"Right, ok! Thank u, see u next week!" I say and he leaves.

When I return to the kitchen, I put the flowers in a vase and wait for David to get down

Life's Like A PianoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ